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Items tagged with: Fedi

Well, turns out with the way BlueSky handles domains specifically, I can create a new Fediverse instance AND use it as my BlueSky handle. That's pretty neat. One day something will happen at, but I haven't decided what yet.πŸ€”

Another personal instance for sure, but idk what software yet. I have time.

#Fediverse #Fedi #BlueSky #SocialMedia

If any FediAdmins see failed jobs from, I am sorry, I borked it. I have to wait for my Linux guy to come assist whenever he's available.

#Fedi #Fediverse #FediAdmin

Also, apparently users can't change their password....😳

That's a completely different issue and for that I don't even know where to start....😬😩

Endpoint: i/change-password
Info: {"e":{"message":"incorrect password","code":"Error","id":"cf50413a-756b-43b5-a7f8-9e29c88b3d17"}}
Date: 2024-05-15T12:12:33.258Z

If anyone has any ideas on this, please get back to me. I'm so confused on this.πŸ˜”

#Fedi #Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #FediHelp #FediAdmin

Been having a strange issue on the new Sharkey instance.

I have object storage on and it's going through my domain through cloudflare. However, sometimes the uploaded media goes to the and sometimes it goes to media.thesocialzone/file/<bucket>. I believe the 2nd one is correct but I'm not sure why it's going to a proxy folder. Could this be because I have the "proxy" setting on cloudflare for the object storage and I should turn that off? πŸ€”πŸ˜¬

If anyone knows anything and can offer advice, please let me know.

#Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #Fedi #FediHelp

Announcement: BackBlaze storage is currently down. Images across the Fediverse are unavailable for instances that rely on BackBlaze for Object Storage.

There's nothing we can do but wait. Please be patient and I'm sure they will fix it ASAP.

#Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #BackBlaze

Anyone have any idea what could cause federated instances to *not* pull in profile pics and headers?

I am running a separate Sharkey (Misskey fork) instance and there's a few examples of this happening.

I have CDN with Cloudflare and that seems to work. The "remote caching" feature on Sharkey is turned off. I DO have Authorized Fetch on (maybe this is the issue?) However, both my instance and another instance have issues pulling icons and headers both ways (Mine doesn't show up on certain instances either)

Most of the stuff that I talked about here, I've just done today, so it COULD be that it just needs time to update, but I am unsure right now.

#Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #Sharkey #Mastodon #Misskey #MastoAdmin

And this is why I currently love AI....I took the Oliphant's Unified Tier 0 Blocklist CSV and ChatGPT gave me the list of domains within so I can import it into Misskey/Sharkey.

I'd post it here, but Mastodon doesn't let you upload files that aren't "media".πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

#AI #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #Fedi #Fediverse #FediAdmin #Misskey #Sharkey

I consider most of everything I do here "fun". Today and yesterday, I haven't been posting all that much because I haven't been doing "fun", I've been doing "work" with LOTS of assistance from @ozzy (hes done most of it, I am just doing what he says basically). Hopefully with my vision and goals along with his knowledge and help, I'm doing something that will be considered admirable in the long run.

Though, just because it's been a bit stressful with errors and such, "work" on Fedi is no less exciting than "fun" on Fedi, I assure you that.


Bright days ahead and I am mostly alone for the rest. (It's easy, just time consuming)

More info soon.

#Fedi #Fediverse

Content warning: Fediblock Recommendation: Running a data scraper/Fediverse content seller

Not JUST a scraper, they're literally and unapologetically selling our content.😳WHAT THE FUCK!!

From: @ariadne

#Fediblock #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin #Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon

The fact that there's no plans for moderation expansion is quite depressing.

I feel terrible for the Mastodon admins that feel they are stuck with this project and have to do "manual" moderation for thousands of users across 23,000 instances and hundreds of thousands of posts a day....πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

From: @MastodonEngineering

#Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi #MastoAdmin

See what we've been working on and what's coming next in our new, hopefully regular series on #Mastodon development:

This video is SO good! Anyone who is interested in Fediverse nuances and the issues we've been debating for months now, should definitely watch this video! 4/?

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard

So, at the 29 minute mark, Ryan talks about how Mastodon's search discoverability feature is currently opt-in and there's only 5-6% of people currently opting-in. That's a wild statistic!😬 3/?

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard

Ryan made a pretty good point around the 16 minute mark about how Threads wasn't told to make their federation "opt-in" from the Fediverse side and that people feel differently about bridges for some reason.

Even though, they're the same thing, in most ways. 2/?

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard

Finally sitting down to watch/listen to the podcast with Mike Mccue, CEO of Flipboard, and Ryan Barrett, creator of BridgyFed.

This should be good!😁

So cool to see the leaders in this space share info and help each other make this the best social media project it could be! 1/?


#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard

The fucking ignorance on Threads is fucking laughable.🀣🀣 This man just called me a "Fediverse Stan account"

Un-fucking-believable!πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„Everyone, point and laugh at the idiot!🀣

Edit: He blocked me!!!🀣🀣🀣

#Fedi #Fediverse #SocialMedia #Threads #Meta #Ignorance #Mastodon #ActivityPub

Content warning: Fediblock Recommendation: Transphobic Comment

Content warning: Fediblock recommendation, disingenuous activity

And here it is, the dark pattern at work....this threads integration is starting to go badly already....πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ™„

edit: and here's a threads engineer purposefully misconstruing the definition of dark patterns in a reply to me. 🀬

#Fedi #Fediverse #Threads #EEE #Meta #ActivityPub
