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Items tagged with: CyberSecurity

Which privacy-centric Android OS is best for the average non-techie user?

#Android #CyberSecurity #DataPrivacy #GrapheneOS #LineageOS #CalyxOS #FOSS #OpenSource

  • Graphene OS (0 votes)
  • /e/ OS (0 votes)
  • Lineage OS (0 votes)
  • Calyx OS (0 votes)
Poll end: in 1 hour

#followfriday! Here's some #infosec / #cybersecurity accounts I've discovered from the past week to check out!

- @an00brektn
- @dieg0

Plus! Here's some folks from across the Fediverse who's instance names are awesome.

- @pointlessone
- @prettygood
- @markiplier
- @split
- @kopper
- @nev
- @z
- @president
- @EmilyK

All previous follow friday posts:

Giant list of cool instance names (and those from said instances) here:

How Researchers Cracked an 11-Year-Old #Password to a $3 Million #Crypto #Wallet


He cracked the #Trezor wallet in 2022 using complex #hardware techniques that forced the USB-style wallet to reveal its password.

#security #cybersecurity #news #bitcoin #btc

"Largest Botnet Ever" Disrupted. 911 S5's Alleged Mastermind Arrested. I guess he won't be getting much use of that Ferrari and Rolls Royce for a while...

Read more in my article on the Tripwire blog:

#cybersecurity #botnet

Russian Hackers Charged For Selling Unauthorized Access To Computer Networks
#linux #ubuntu #ethicalhacking #cybersecurity #hacking #Pentesting #snoopgodlinux #Ubuntu

STORY: Police have a new cybercrime fighting tactic: getting into the heads of Russian hackers.

Recent law enforcement takedowns of cybercrime groups have increasingly used psychological tactics as part of their disruption.

#cybersecurity #cybercrime #hacking #infosec

A hacker group has claimed responsibility for a cyberattack that targeted auction house Christie’s earlier this month.

The attack took place just before the start of its high-profile spring sales event involving more than $850 million worth of art. Online bidding was suspended, but the group claims it has accessed sensitive information about wealthy art collectors around the world, and is threatening to release it unless “an agreement” is reached. Digital Trends has more.

#Hacking #Cybersecurity #Christies #Art #Tech

#Keylogger in #Microsoft #Exchange Server Steals #Login Credentials From Login Page


#Microsoft #Exchange #security #CyberSecurity #news #password

"I'm going to #DEFCON32 this year. Maybe I should enter one of the contests, that should test my expensive #cybersecurity skills and winning will advance my #infosec career!"

The Contests At @defcon:

Kyivstar Cyberattack: Ukraine Allocates $90 Million for Recovery Efforts #cybersecurity #infosec

#nahamsec is still going strong!

Watch on the #DCG201 LIVE STREAM or on these direct links:


#hacking #infosec #cybersecurity @defcon

NEW: second judge in #Poland reportedly confirmed as #Pegasus spyware victim.

Appeals court judge told reporter her responsibilities included classified cases where wiretapping was used.

Poland's spyware reckoning continues.

[PL, machine trans.]

#spyware #infosec #cybersecurity #polska #malware #security #intelligence #surveillance

Hey business types: Does your startup work in the cybersecurity space? If you make it to the finals of Black Hat's Startup Spotlight, you get some good stuff, plus I will write you up ahead of Black Hat USA:

(If your company is interesting enough, I might write you up anyway. Send pitches to

#DarkReading #cybersecurity #startups #journalism #StartupSpotlight #BHUSA #BHUSA2024 #BlackHatUSA #BlackHatConference

How the new #Microsoft #Recall feature fundamentally undermines #Windows #security


#cybersecurity #news #desktop #software #ai #Technology

Homeland Security has collected DNA data from 1.5 million immigrants in four years, researchers find #cybersecurity #infosec #privacy #news

#Apple says #iOS17.5.1 fixes 'rare' bug that caused deleted photos to return

#privacy #cybersecurity

STORY: Thousands of listings on Eventbrite have been pushing people towards buying Gmail, Stripe accounts; escort services in India; and illegal sales of prescription drugs like Xanax, Valium, and oxycodone.

We found sales of opioids were pushed alongside events promoting drug addiction recovery and treatment. Eventbrite has investigated and says the “identified illegal and illicit activity has been removed.” #news #tech #cybercrime #cybersecurity

How to protect your #privacy with an SBC-powered #VPN #server


Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are an effective means to enhance your privacy. By disguising your IP address, a VPN prevents third-parties from tracking your #online activities on top of protecting your data from network-based hacking attacks.

#news #cybersecurity #opensource #network #internet #security

FINALLY: a 🇺🇸US official speaks the truth security researchers keep warning about...

Americans' movements being tracked with well-known weaknesses that US telcos aren't fixing.

It's remarkable how bad the problem with #SS7 & #Diameter is.

Must-read story by @josephcox

#infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #intelligence #surveillance #espionage

An open-source hacking #hardware platform based on the #RP2040 with #RF, #NFC, #USB, and #SD card ready for pen testing #research.


In the #cybersecurity field, engineers are always looking for vulnerabilities in order to fix them and prevent other actors could taking advantage of them. The tools used by these engineers can be expensive and, on many occasions, the tools don't fit exactly with the requirements that engineers need. In this project, I want to present an open-source hardware platform with some tools used in cybersecurity, especially in pen testing. The board is named Hackbat and features an RF transceiver, NFC communication, SD card, USB, and #WIFI. All of this is managed by the #RaspberryPI #microcontroller RP2040. The schematic and the PCB design are open-source and are available on GitHub. Let's take a part-by-part look at the #Hackbat.

#news #opensource #tool #pentest

Very excited to have the SSID Confusion attack report that I authored with @vanhoefm included in today's Risky Biz newsletter by @campuscodi - if you aren't signed up already, get right on it, it's required daily reading imho #vpn #wifi #vulnerability #infosec #cybersecurity

Purchased This Random X13 "Bug Detector" Demo "Signal Detection" Mode On Channel

Watch To See Demo Using HackRF Portapack H2 + Baofeng + Fan Remote

#Infosec #privacy #cybersecurity #hackrf #portapack #surveillance #HumanRights #X13 #baofeng #sdr #radio

This is intended for store shelves to inform customers before they buy. And hopefully, it will spur negligent manufacturers to do better. #cybersecurity #infosec

White House: Cyber trust label could be in place by end of the year @therecord_media

Why is #Mozilla collecting our #search data?


Sensitive topics, like searching for particular health care services, are categorized only under broad terms like health or society. Your search activities are handled with the same level of confidentiality as all other data regardless of any local laws surrounding certain health services.

Hello Mozilla, I use Firefox because my privacy is important to me. The best security is still achieved if you don't collect the data. That is why I will use a fork that does not collect search data. It would be nice if Mozilla took user privacy more seriously.

#privacy #news #browser #web #internet #firefox #security #cybersecurity #surveillance #statistics #bigdata #bigbrother

Apparently Google accidentally deleted all online data from UniSuper, a superannuation fund with half a million members.

UniSuper was only able to restore from backups from a different service. If they'd been solely relying on Google, then UniSuper and their members would be screwed.

Google says "This is an isolated, ‘one-of-a-kind occurrence’" But I'm seeing reports on Lemmy claiming to have dealt with similar problems with Google, suggesting this only the first *major* customer it has happened to.

In any case, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Even that that basket tries to make it ever-so-convenient for you to give them everything.

#google #cybersecurity #unisuper

Do you want to learn how to setup an air-gapped #Nextcloud for maximum privacy and data protection?

Join me on May 22nd at 9 am EDT / 3 pm CEST on a free webinar to learn about air-gapped Nextcloud:

🔍 Critical factors to consider
🛡️ Four customizable air-gapped setups
🔧 Setting up air-gapped Nextcloud instances
💼 Best practices for Nextcloud maintenance

Register for free:

#OpenSource #GovTech #Security #CyberSecurity #infosec #privacy #sysadmin #datasecurity

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is happening online as well as on the ground – with phishing attacks and hacking efforts targeting civilians on both sides.
#Israel #Hamas #Technology #Cybersecurity