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Items tagged with: environment Biden administration invests $700M in Colorado River conservation for lower basin states #Environment

New Brunswick Coastal Shell facility shuts down: ‘We’ve been working at a loss’
The facility has been the source of complaints from the community for years over the odour created as it dries lobster and shrimp shells.
#globalnews #Environment #CoastalShellProducts

This photo isn’t shared to highlight that wind turbines can provide livestock much needed shade.

This photo is shared to highlight the importance of trees.

#nature #climate #environment #climatechange #tree #trees #earth #renewables #renewableenergy #animals #animal

Green parties suffered major losses in the EU elections, particularly in France and Germany, hit by growing discontent at the bloc's environmental push and by voters' shifting priorities. Viviane Gravey, Lecturer in European Politics at Queen's University in Belfast tells FRANCE24's Tom Burges Watson that the result is an indication that voters are not ready to do what it takes to tackle the problem of climate change

#EU #MassExtinction #pollution #environment #climate

Remember that this is a choice — a choice that has been made for us. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get ready for another week of BUSINESS AS USUAL, sponsored this time by Amazon, Shell Oil, and Walmart.

🎶 "Keep driving, keep flying, keep shopping, keep buying!
We've got this, everything's fine." 🎶 😃

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

US Southwest expected to roast with pre-summer #HeatWave


The heat wave as a whole, with temperatures 20-30 degrees above normal, was expected to peak over #California's Central Valley on Wednesday, before expanding into the #Desert Southwest later in the week, the NWS said.

#USA #weather #temperature #heat #climate #environment #health #news

We are witnessing a slow-motion catastrophe…

Across the globe, insect populations have seen a steep decline.

According to a meta-analysis of 16 studies, insect populations have declined by about 45% in just the last 40 years.

The large-scale death of insects poses huge threats not only to the ecosystems they exist in but also to much of our agriculture, as insects pollinate about 75% of global crops.

Two driving causes of the marked fall off are climate change and habitat loss.

SEE --

#Insects #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #BioDiversity

Nicht nur vordergündig drahtig #FotoVorschlag, hier steht alles in einem spannungsgeladenen Umfeld!

Not just frontally wiry, everything here is in a tense environment!

#photography #fotografie #environment #electricity

The Northeast and Midwest are enduring what is, in some places, the worst outbreak of spongy moths on record. One of the factors driving the proliferation of very hungry caterpillars is climate change-spurred drought, which allows spongy moths to breed with abandon, producing up to a million caterpillars per acre. Trees are resilient, but this outbreak has been especially long and damaging

#USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

‘Climate crunch time’: Battle to secure planet’s future will be won or lost in next 18 months, says Antonio Guterres

Humanity is playing Russian roulette with planet Earth due to its dangerous actions that have accelerated the climate emergency. Decisions by global leaders in the next 18 months will decide the fate of billions, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in an address on World Environment Day

#MassExtinction #pollution #environment #climate

America isn't making enough renewable energy to prevent severe climate change

In the United States specifically, the IEA says that renewable energy infrastructure needs to increase 50% more quickly than it already is based on 2022 numbers

#USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

The world’s largest oil and gas company, Saudi Aramco, is trying to make us believe they can reach net zero by 2050 *without* sacrificing oil and gas production.

It's a straight-up con, a shell game.

They're lying about their intentions. They're lying about the realistic potential of carbon capture technology. All they hope to do is buy time so they can keep on pumping oil and keep on drilling for gas and keep on making billions in profits — while the planet burns.


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Greenwashing

Meet the five species of flying-foxes that call Australia home…

Flying-foxes are a common sight around Australia, but did you know they are also vital pollinators? 🦇

They can travel up to 500km in a 48-hour period in search of food and spread pollen and disperse seeds in the process!

#ausgeo #australia #seeaustralia #flyingfox #bat #nature #wildlife ##animals #conservation #wildlifeconservation #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #flower
#environment #academia #research #academicchatter #biodiversity #ecology #rewilding #biology #nature #wildlife

“Addressing modern environmental crises requires an understanding of deep history – not just written human records, but also ancient connections between humans and the natural world.”

More from an archaeologist who studies long-term human interactions with nature:
#environment #climatechange

With Atlantic #hurricane season starting today, a reminder that the storms aren't just a concern for coastal cities – they move inland and frequently cause flooding for people living even in mountains.

There are lessons from the past (this article shares the story of a mountain town in North Carolina, once overwhelmed by floodwater) – but future storms may produce flooding that goes beyond anything we've ever seen.
#environment #hurricane #news

Panama island will soon be forced to evacuate amid rising sea levels
Generations of Gunas who have grown up on Gardi Sugdub in a life dedicated to the sea and tourism will trade that next week for the mainland’s solid ground.
#globalnews #Environment #World #Caribbean #ClimateChange

Corporations invested in #carbon offsets that were ‘likely junk’, analysis says


#Delta, #Gucci, #Volkswagen, #ExxonMobil, #Disney, #easyJet and #Nestlé are among the major corporations to have purchased millions of carbon credits from #climate friendly projects that are “likely junk” or worthless when it comes to offsetting their #greenhouse gas #emissions, according to a classification #system developed by Corporate Accountability, a non-profit, transnational corporate watchdog.

So the capitalists really don't give a shit about anything for short-term #profit, even if #humanity is destroyed in the process.

#environment #news #scam #politics #co2 #fail #capitalism #economy #future #finance #society #problem #humanrights #earth

Today, the Greenland ice sheet is melting rapidly, and some scientists worry that the Atlantic current system may be headed for a climate tipping point this century.

New research, published in the journal Science, suggests that the risk is not as imminent as some people fear, because of data gleaned from historic iceberg records.

#environment #science

Delhi heat claims first victim — 40-year-old factory worker from Darbhanga

The doctor said once he arrived at the hospital, he was immediately admitted to the Heat Stroke Unit – a special unit set up for the first time at the hospital on May 8 because of the rising temperature.

#delhi #heatwave #HeatStroke #ExtremeWeather #ClimateChange #environment #india

Mount Everest has a massive trash problem, thanks to the some 400 to 500 climbers that attempt to summit it every year.

New efforts and innovative strategies could solve the sky-high waste management problem.


Photo: Horses grazing through trash in the shadow of Mt Everest 🏔️ Taken by Martin Edström, on Instagram at @martinedstrom.

#environment #mountains

#Bee extinction: Why we're saving the wrong #bees

Think #honeybees are disappearing? Or that the more hives we have the better?

Think again. Here's why they're the bad boys of the bee world, and what we should be focusing on instead.

We're destroying our #environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way.

A new report says Tyson plants dumped more than 371 million pounds of pollutants into U.S. waterways between 2018 and 2022. #environment

Governments need to build resilience against extreme weather, droughts, and floods.

Intact forest landscapes and other nature areas are our safety net, protecting people against extreme weather and climate crisis impacts.

#ActOnClimate #ClimateChange #geography #deforestation #RenewableEnergy #ActNow #environment #ClimateCrisis #Science #warming #Nature #climate #ClimateEmergency #climatecrisis #biologia #ClimateAction #photo #photography #cartoon #pollution #news #earth #amazon #Politics

"'A great sadness': Venezuela is first Andean country to lose of all its glaciers
Scientists explain the loss of the Humboldt Glacier, the last in the Sierra Nevada, which they believe makes the South American country the first in modern history to lose all its glaciers. "

#Venezuela #SouthAmerica #Andes #Glacier #ClimateChange #Environment #Science #News

Monkeys ‘falling out of trees like apples’ in Mexico amid brutal heatwave

>“They were falling out of the trees like apples,” Pozo said. “They were in a state of severe dehydration, and they died within a matter of minutes.” Already weakened, Pozo says the falls from dozens of yards (meters) up inflict additional damage that often finishes the monkeys off.

>By 9 May at least nine cities in Mexico had set temperature records,

#ClimateChange #Environment #BiodoversityLoss

Reading this🧵? Your blood probably contains some amount of toxic #foreverchemicals made by #3m

Enough to spike your risk of cancers & illnesses?

Without a blood test, you have no idea.

Why is their toxin running in your veins?

Well, 3M & #dupont kept the harms secret even as their toxins were incorporated into...everything.

From french fry bags to chairs.

They gaslit their own scientists.

& regularly dumped, creating toxic zones. 1/

#environment #pollution

#Florida’s War With Invasive #Pythons Has a New Twist


This is all in a day’s work for Kirkland, an invasive-animal biologist who manages the South Florida Water Management District’s Python Elimination Program. His team patrols roads like this one beside Big Cypress National Preserve looking for Burmese pythons, one of the world’s most unyielding invasive species. The team recently removed their 8,000th #python.

#news #usa #environment

Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe

Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies.

Her bosses halted her work.

As the #EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking #water, she wrestles with the secrets that 3M kept from her and the world.

#News #Science #Chemistry #Safety #Environment #Minnesota #PFAS #ForeverChemicals

Lethal heat will make Australia's north 'unliveable'

— Australia's leading news site
Australia's north will be “unliveable” in the coming decades because the heat and humidity will be so intense that it will be deadly for humans

#Australia #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate