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Items tagged with: DEMOCRACY

A new report revealed #Trump’s disturbing penchant for #executing his #political enemies. His response is somehow even worse.

Fmr Trump comms dir #AlyssaFarahGriffin revealed that Trump called for the #execution of a staffer on several occasions during his time in the WH—& the disturbing news (& Trump’s even more troubling reaction) is already fading from headlines.

#law #democracy #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

The next 10 years will be THE test of whether a) democracy might be strong enough already to take charge of the shaping of society in context of what "A.I." brings to the table, and b) of whether we still will be able to move on and have a chance at "finishing the democratic project" (Or if "the dream of a functional democracy" will be lost in the process.) #democracy #DMO21d

#USpol #Democracy


...der #NATO unter #Trump weg, würde ähnliches wie in der Ukraine passieren.
Vermutlich auch nicht erst in 2029, wie #Pistorius annimmt.

Die #US-Wahlen 2024 werden aus meiner Sicht deshalb global so schicksalhaft werden wie die zum #Reichstag 1933.

Schöne Neue Welt.


#USpol #Democracy


...wie mir lieb wäre:

Während es #China sicherlich nicht recht wäre, die Kaufkraft eines seiner wichtigsten Handelspartner, der #EU, durch einen Krieg mit #Russland zu reduzieren, ist #Xi sicherlich die Wiedervereinigung mit #Taiwan wichtiger.

Vermutlich würde er #Putler bei einem Einmarsch in europäische NATO-Staaten erneut gewähren lassen, ähnlich wie mit der #Ukraine. Fiele dann auch noch der #AtomareSchutzschirm durch Artikel 5...

@fasnix @iThreepwood
#USpol #Democracy


...werden, dann kann man die Frage sicherlich binnen Jahresfrist aufgrund des #MAGA-Projektes zur Machtergreifung, #Project2025, mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit leider verneinen. 2)

Was das für #Europa bedeuten würde (#NATO-Schutzschirn), lässt sich leider aufgrund der Aussagen zum Bündnis des nun erstmals rechtskräftig verurteilten Kriminellen leider gar nicht so schwer prognostizieren,...


#USpol #MAGA #Trump

Mit #Project2025 und der minutiös geplanten totalitären #Machtübernahme sowie der Institutionalisierung der #MAGA-Bewegung in den #USA beschäftige ich mich schon eine ganze Weile:

'Georgia Is Our Laboratory': Inside Trump's Plan to Rig 2024

Team #Trump sees #Georgia as 'a road map' for putting Trump's heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of #elections into practice

The Peach State is unique—it's the sole battleground state in which the #Republican Party has total #control over the levers of #power: a trifecta in state #House, #Senate, & governorship

#ElectionLaw #ElectionInterference #law #democracy #BidenHarris2024

#USpol #Democracy


Eine ausgezeichnete Frage, die du aufwirfst:
*Kann man die #USA noch als #Demokratie westlicher Prägung betrachten?*

Ich bin kein Politikwissenschaftler, auch wenn ich mit seit sehr vielen Jahren mit der Thematik beschäftige. Ich denke, die Historikerin #NancyMcLean trifft es bislang mit ihrem Buchtitel, #DemocracyInChains1) ("Demokratie in Ketten") noch.

Sollte #Trump im November 2024 wiedergewählt...


@iThreepwood @anneroth

Some people argue, that #Biden should be replaced with another Democrat candidate.

I disagree.

The first priority is to prevent the further rot to the fundaments of #Democracy , then remove the rotten spots.

That isn't happening when Democrats fight over who gets to succeed Joe Biden. So Joe Biden it MUST be due to the current situation.

Should Biden become incapacitated Harris can take over as long as she retains his policies and his team until the end of her presidency.


Wallace on MSBNC: “Trump unhinged, rambling, incoherent after teleprompter fails at rally…

Trump is, of course, a convicted felon. His worldview is devoid of facts and untethered to reality. He offers no vision for the future and instead rants and rambles about sharks, electric boats, windmills, & toilets. He constantly lies about the border, even though he was the person who killed the bipartisan border deal. He lies 1/2
R/t Biden- Harris HQ #trump #democracy #press

If we had proper news media in the US Americans would be looking at what's going on in Europe right now.
Europeans voted for their equivalent of the House of Representatives today and the first results show, as predicted, that pro-Putin, climate-change deniers, pro-life, anti-LGBTQ+ fascist parties are closer and closer to take control of Europe.
In Germany voters under 30 went "in droves" to the far right.
Same in France.
In short Europe is becoming a deep Red State and that should worry you.

#vote #elections #europe #abortion #climatechange #democracy #abortion #lgbtq+ #voteblue #biden #maga #trump

The #legal fight over the #2024election has begun

Trump's team is more focused so far on building a sprawling network of "#ElectionIntegrity" #lawyers & #PollWatchers than on rounding up organizers & door knockers to reach voters.

It's a sign that 5 months before Election Day, the legal battle is underway —& that Trump PLANS to cry "rigged" if he loses, as it did after the #2020election & his #felony #convictions.

#gaslighting #autocracy #democracy #BidenHarris2024


#Trump plans to claim sweeping #authority over #federal #spending

In a 2nd term, Trump will look at unilateral funding cuts for the #WHO & #green #energy initiatives.
He is vowing to wrest key spending powers from #Congress & to assert more control over the federal #budget than any president in #US #history.

#law #Constitution #SCOTUS #power #government #extortion #EconomicPolicy #MafiaState #authoritarianism #autocracy #tyranny #democracy #BidenHarris2024

A vote against authoritarianism in the world’s largest #democracy

In India, the voters have spoken. They do not want autocracy.

#India #Modi #elections #voting #democracy #geopolitics #GiftArticle #GiftLink #GoodNews

More #Trump allies, including #MarkMeadows, plead not guilty in #Arizona

The fmr White House chief of staff — along w/ #MikeRoman, who worked on Trump’s 2020 campaign — pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from their alleged efforts to try to subvert Joe Biden’s win.

#law #democracy #TrumpCoupAttempt #insurrection #BidenHarris2024

Modi’s authoritarian Hindu nationalist party did not fare well in India’s recent elections. This unexpected result shows that polls and prognostications are certainly not infallible. What matters is the vote.

Here’s an accessible, sophisticated discussion of the current health secular democracy in India. It isn’t out of the woods, but it is better off after the latest elections. #democracy #secularDemocracy

Indian voters reject Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for a one-party state in win for competitive democracy.

CNN reports: "In what opposition parties have declared as a victory for pluralism, voters in the world’s largest democracy partially rejected Modi’s populist vision for a Hindu-first nation, reducing the BJP’s share of the vote by 63 seats – bringing its total down to 240, far below the 272 required for a parliamentary majority."

#Modi #India #Election #BJP #Politics #Democracy #News

#Biden leads the #UnitedStates as the American century is fading into an uncertain future, a changing world of #threats, opportunities, & #power shifts. At 81, he holds fast to a vision that has reigned since WWII, in which a rich & powerful America leads an #alliance of #democracies to safeguard the globe from #tyranny.

#BidenHarris2024 #NATO #geopolitics #democracy

Any private ownership tends towards #monopoly, so media system cannot have private ownership without also accepting market share limitations. #Democracy requires people have access to #independent and #diverse media. Lose that and lose #democracy. More:

Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈

June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month. This month-long celebration demonstrates how LGBTQ Americans have strengthened our country, by using their talent and creativity to help create awareness and goodwill.

#news #journalism #pridemonth #lgbtq #queer #goodwill #democracy #freedom @mastodonindians

Is the Global Tide Turning in Favor of #Democracy?

“Under Biden’s leadership, the United States is making valuable efforts to help bring about such an outcome through multilateral and bilateral diplomacy, economic carrots and sticks, and enhanced democracy assistance. But much more will need to be done ..”

Crossing a historic threshold, Mexicans appear poised to elect a woman as president this Sunday but to otherwise leave politics largely unchanged. Reprinted with permission from palabra. and Puente News Collaborative:

#news #politics #Mexico #democracy #election2024 #border

Political parties are structured to limit democracy.

Example #853564:

‘Appalling cull’: Britain’s Labour bars another left-winger from election

The parliamentary system is particularly bad, given the leader's power, but Trump has shown that a presidential system can be equally bad.

> Critics accuse party of conducting a purge of left-wingers, as Faiza Shaheen deselected over social media posts.

#partyPolitics #democracy

"Fourteen pro-democracy activists were convicted in Hong Kong’s biggest national security case on Thursday by a court that said their plan to effect change through an unofficial primary election would have undermined the government’s authority and created a constitutional crisis."

ABC News reports:

More more top news, follow @news-thenewsdesk

#HongKong #Democracy #Activism #Asia #News

Alito, the author of the Dobbs opinion, is just trolling us now. In his letter to Congress refusing to recuse himself he says "My wife is an independently minded private citizen. She makes her own decisions, and I honor her right to do so."

#SCOTUS #ethics #judiciary #J6 #democracy

Here is the (two dimensional) political placing of the parties in the forthcoming UK election from Political Compass....

If you thought you didn't have an awful lot of choice, the fact that all major parties are (on this assessment) siting in the blue (Right/Authoritarian) quadrant will confirm that suspicion

#election #democracy


h/t @melanie @PoliceStateUK

Paul Waldman asks,

"How'd you like to win an election with just 4% of the vote?"

"Under the GOP proposal [in Texas], a candidate could win a statewide race with just 4 percent of the vote."

#Texas #Republicans #democracy #MinorityRule

Alito is in the tank for the criminal former president and the decimation of democracy. Not that his legal opinions have ever left much room for plausible deniability on those fronts, but now it is out there flying in plain sight.

But we can also fly our own flags, ones that support #democracy and freedoms, writes @andreagrimes


Meanwhile, President #Biden's campaign is holding a news conference outside the courthouse in Manhattan, a guarantee of attention since the media has been stationed here for week.

The speakers have focused not on the #TrumpTrial, but largely on the insurrection by #Trump supporters on #Jan6, 2021, & the threats the Biden campaign argues Trump poses to #democracy & the nation's future.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

I’m emerging from my social media hiatus to share recent comments from Ken Burns. I’ve chatted with him a few times over the years, always to my benefit. He’s very worried about American democracy — I think with good reason.

Here’s a video excerpt from his speech at Brandeis:

A transcript of his speech:

Finally, a Washington Post column on his talk:


#UK infected #blood #scandal made worse by ‘chilling’ cover-up, inquiry finds


He added: “When we told people, they didn’t believe us. They said this wouldn’t happen in the UK. Today this proves this can happen – and did happen – in the UK.

#health #politics #crime #humanRights #fail #democracy #news