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Items tagged with: usPolitics




Trump was grazed in his right ear and rushed offstage
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

Half of adolescents ages 13-19 now live in a state with severely restricted or no legal #abortion access – affecting their choices in college, place of work and family-planning.

#USpolitics #health

Another tragic loss from political polarization:

Federal funding for scientific research – for everything from large telescopes to programs studying AI and Alzheimer’s research – is getting squeezed

#science #research #USpolitics

Absolute truth: Trump spoke at the Heritage Foundation as they kicked off Project 2025, and there’s video

Here, this is important; if anyone believes Trump’s lies about not knowing anything about Heritage Foundation / Project 2025 / Mandate for Leadership, here he is speaking to the Heritage Foundation in 2022 as they’re kicking off the project to build the “detailed plans for exactly what our movement will do.”

This is as firm a proof that he’s knowingly lying as could ever be had. It’s direct proof that he was lying, from his own mouth, in his own words, on audio and video. Use it.

[link] #politics #USPol #politics #uspolitics

What has been the most vile, nauseating, putrid, disgusting piece of inhumanity that you've ever seen..

This is worse.....

Trump lawyers invoke immunity ruling in bid to toss hush money verdict

Donald Trump, conficted felon and poster boy for breaking the 10 Commandments, is an affront to justice.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

It's not just American presidential candidates that are quite old.

Nearly 20% of members of #Congress are 70 or older, compared with only 6% who are under 40.

Some of the reasons behind this are unavoidable and pretty basic (experience and season of your life makes a difference).

#USpolitics #election2024 #congress

Memo to clueless white male celebrities who imagine they are, by virtue of their status as prominent, wealthy, white males, leading the progressive movement:

You are not.

People of color and women are the base of the #Democratic party and have been for some time.

The next seventeen weeks would be a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really good time for you to listen substantially more than you speak.

#USPolitics #Biden #WeBackBiden #GoergeClooney #StephenKing

Americans Abroad are the difference in close #election races - just ask Nikki Fried from #Florida, who won her statewide election to be Agriculture Commissioner by such a margin.

YOU can make the difference in your home state too, where critical races and issues are at stake in #election2024

Request your absentee ballot today at ... and #vote!

#USPolitics #Biden #FL

They could be playing with grandchildren, building houses for the poor or skydiving.

#USPolitics #Politics

Dear (predominantly white, male -- not relevant, just mentioning) pundits/influencers hyperventilating about medical issues you are NOT qualified to offer an opinion on:

Has it occurred to you who benefits MOST from the Democratic Party being portrayed as divided a month before the convention? Think about it.

Here's a little #Wordle puzzle that may help.

We are NOT divided, by the way. Ask a person of color who's a registered Democrat if you're curious about this.



"If you don’t load the dishwasher, don’t legislate about one." -- Katie Porter


"There was nothing extreme in Sotomayor’s [dissent] concerns, & her fears were justified. As a national security analyst, … I know we don’t need to engage in hypotheticals … All we need to understand what a criminally immune Trump might do, with even one executive branch agency given carte blanche, is to remind ourselves what the nation learned about the FBI during the 1970s."
-- Frank Figluzzi, former assist. director counterintelligence at the FBI
#usPol #usPolitics

Content warning: #usPol #usPolitics 👀

Now Project 2025 wants to eliminate the National Weather Service.

#NOAA #Project2025 #Politics #USPolitics #Weather #NationalWeatherService #Trump #Election2024


Voting for your #Congressional, state and local officials is important!

Your vote holds elected officials accountable for their actions. It forces them to listen to you and the issues that most concern you.

Exercising our right to vote is critical at every level of government.

Go to to request your ballot.

#expats #USPolitics #vote #voting #ballot #Congress #Senate #voteblue #TakeBackTheHouse

File under: #WTF

Automated ammunition vending machines have recently been installed in grocery stores across Oklahoma and Alabama.

Yes. Bullets are now being sold like candy in grocery stores.

#sensiblegunlawsnow #Biden #BidenHarris #BidenHarris2024 #WeBackBidenHarris #StillRidinWithBiden24 #guns #gunviolence #guncontrol #USPolitics #law

The scale of the challenges that NATO faces today at its 75th birthday, both within and without the organization, dwarfs what it confronted as it commemorated its 50th anniversary in 1999 (the last time Washington hosted the summit).

4 things to watch for:

#news #USPolitics #politics #NATO

Play big.

Come together.

Tune out naysayers.

Control what you can control.

Ignore the rest of it. Not just #MSM. All the stuff you can't control. All of it.

You CAN control how many US citizens living abroad see this message:

#Expats are key to securing not just a 2024 win, but a win SO HUGE that MAGA cannot steal it. Go to to #register to #vote and request your #ballot. DO IT NOW.

#Boost this!

#WeBackBidenHarris #StillRidinWithBiden24 #Biden #USPolitics

About 500 years ago, Machiavelli offered some #leadership lessons for would-be dictators.

But based on his studies of the fall of the Roman Empire and Renaissance Florence, he also offered advice for people who wished to avoid a Machiavellian dictatorship – and any Americans reading it should take notes.

A political science professor from Tufts University breaks down a few things to take into consideration from Machiavelli:
#politics #USpolitics #history

A correction to post I did yesterday attributing a quote that belongs : Monique Pressley: “The proof of Biden’s ability to run the country is the fact that he is running it. Successfully. Not a debate performance against a pathological lying sociopath.” Thanks to
@heathercoxrichardson for the pointer to this quote.
My apologies

#HeatherCoxRichardson #USA #uspolitics #Election #election2024 #2024Election

I refuse to click on any of these stories so I screenshotted the headlines instead of posting the articles to make my point. This is beyond ridiculous. Anyone who still claims the media isn’t all in for the chaos TFG brings, damn the consequences, needs to have their eyes opened. #politics #uspolitics

Why calls for President #Biden to step down are hurting the party's base.


This #FourthofJuly weekend, stop using #nationalism and #patriotism as synonyms.
🇺🇸Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people who live within it.
🇺🇸Nationalism refers to devotion to only one group or people over others.
Pictured ⬇️
An image from 1950 shows Superman teaching that patriotism should drive out nationalism. DC Comics
#Politics #USPolitics #American #4thOfJuly

The #Biden age/health/dropout story is a dirty op by the Russo-MAGA, similar to the “emails“ op against H. Clinton.

**It is designed to distract and confuse. Don’t fall for it!

What could be more newsworthy than an #authoritarian coup underway against Constitutional democracy led by the Chief Justice of #SCOTUS !

🥥 The right (and the press) is going after Presiden Biden because in reality he is an excellent -- but NOT -- perfect candidate.
There IS no perfect candidate.
The right historically picks on the weak, but after Karl Rove and Swift-Boating, their current tactic is to push over the biggest strongest domino hoping the rest will fall.
Don't fall for it.
Do be ridin' with Biden.
The stakes are too high to do otherwise. 🥥
#Election2024, #PresidentBiden, #USPolitics, #TuckersBalls

Here's something fun for the #FourthofJuly: A chilling 'accidental confession' on #Project2025.

#HeritageFoundation majordomo says the quiet part out loud, dog-whistles the #MAGA crowd to get ready for...

We can't even bring ourselves to say it. Watch it yourself.

Then go to to #register to #vote and request your #ballot TODAY. The stakes are too high not to.

#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #authoritarianism #immunity #Biden #Democracy #Law #USPolitics

161 years ago, more than 50,000 Americans died in the Battle of Gettysburg.

In the 21st century, residents of formerly Confederate states express greater support for political violence (even after adjusting for partisanship, race, gender & more).
#USPolitics #Histodons @histodons


Biden on campaign call: "I'm not leaving. I'm in this race to the end and we're going to win"

#AureFreePress #news #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews #Biden #USA #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

No law can completely stop the risk of subversion after an election.

But new changes in laws should help reduce the likelihood of some of 2020’s worst abuses being repeated.
#Election2024 #USPolitics

In case there was any question that "Biden's age" is a dog whistle for "Kamala's color" to those on the right, the GOP wanted to make it abundantly clear.

From the Axios article: "A new digital ad by the GOP's House campaign arm features Vice President Harris.

Why it matters: Trying to leverage concerns about President Biden's age, Republicans are increasingly pushing the idea that a vote for him is really a vote for his running mate." (link to awful ad)


#USpolitics #Solutions for democracy #PopularVote

I often wonder: Why in the greatest democracy of the world 🤣 🤣 doesn't the popular vote not vote the President of that democracy ?
Ancient customs and too high regard for the letter of the constitution.

"Why We Need A National Popular Vote | Robert Reich"
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"15 mei 2023
Twice this century, the loser of the popular vote has won the presidency.
Here's a plan to make sure that never happens again.
If you want to know more or get involved, click the link below to read about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
-> <-
If your state is not already a member, I urge you to contact your state’s senators and reps to get your state on board."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #RVAT

[35]I don't think that anyone on this platform has to be convinced....
but maybe some of the reasoning this Republican voter has
can be used to make some of your friends or family change their mind.

"Our country is going to be absolutely nuts if he gets back in" [ < 1 min]
by Republican Voters Against Trump

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot