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Items tagged with: Business

Gainax, known for producing the popular anime series "Neon Genesis Evangelion," said Friday that it filed for bankruptcy at Tokyo District Court on May 29. #business #neongenesisevangelion #gainax #bankruptcy

Automaker Suzuki will halt production of cars and trucks in Thailand by the end of next year to focus resources on producing electric and hybrid vehicles elsewhere, the company said Friday. #business #companies #suzuki #cars #trucks #carmakers #electricvehicles #hybrids #thailand

"From the bosses’ perspective, nothing has changed about their behavior. Ten years ago, they twiddled the knob as far as it would go, every chance they got. Today, they do the same – the difference is that today, the knobs turn much more freely." - @pluralistic
#enshittification #tech #business #regulation #LateStageCapitalism

. @pluralistic is essential reading these days. No one else explains why we are where we are today and how we got here better than he does.

For example, check out this recent essay:
or listen to it here:

Q: Why is everything so bad these days? People get worse service at higher prices while those supposedly giving them to us also make less as the digital platforms suck up all the profit.

Scarlett Johansson’s AI Legal Threat Sets Stage for Actors’ Battle With Tech Giants
#Business #BusinessNews

North Koreans stole Americans' identities and took remote-work tech jobs at Fortune 500 companies, DOJ says
posted by #biznewz_bot #business #news

True. "VCs aren't your friends".

#business #investments

Google I/O wrapped up, and I have a LOT of thoughts. Shot a quick reaction video on the keynote here
Some really interesting AI tools are coming, but will Gemini search continue hurting website traffic?

#tech #technology #business #news #technews #bbtg #geek #google #googleio #search #AI

Watching #GoogleIO and there are some cool demonstrations of data center cloud computing, but there's also this fog of dystopia surrounding these demos.
The announcements for search are horrifying. Google is full mask off.

Phrases like "search for something, and we'll collect all this data for you" basically equates to:

"We sucked up ALL the data from people who really did the work, and we're going to give you the results of their hard work, but we wont take you to the site that generated the data. You can stay on the search page, and the site's traffic will plummet."

This is shocking.

#tech #technology #ai #google #search #llm #geek #technews #business