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Items tagged with: LandscapePhotography

In Mountain Shadow

Standing at the head of Sรบgandafjรถrรฐur, on a lovely autumn day.

This used to be an isolated fjord and didnโ€™t connect to the road system in Iceland until 1940. Even then it was only accessed via a challenging mountain road. The 9.1 km Vestfjarรฐagรถng tunnel wasnโ€™t built until 1996, and is the only tunnel we've ever been through that has a T junction at roughly the central point.

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#DailyPhoto #TravelTuesday #LandscapePhotography

Seasonal Sentinels

November, September, and February. Three shots of the same mountains, three different moods.

These memorable peaks are visible from the main ringroad (route 1) and I snapped them during different visits, years apart.

Akrafjall (1151m) and Sรณlheimafjall (1171m) in Blรถnduhlรญรฐarfjรถll near Varmahlรญรฐ in Skagafjรถrรฐur, north-western #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #MountainsMonday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

Home Of The Winds

February, and a farm nestles at the foot of Hlรญรฐarfjall. This 1116m/3660ft high mountain is better known from the other side as it stands above Akureyri, and contains the ski slopes.

Vindheimar in รželamรถrk, north-eastern #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #FarAwayFriday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

The White Swan of Niagara (2022)

I think it goes without saying that anyone who visits Toronto and enjoys natural wonders should visit #NiagaraFalls it was definitely the highlight of my trip to #Toronto back in 2022. I desperately wanted to capture something that wasn't the 'standard' shot though. This is what I came away with, and I'm quite pleased with it. Really, you wouldn't necessarily know it's location without the title.

#landscapephotography #photography #Waterfall #Canada #Nature

Touch The Sky

A stormy morning drive through the valley, the lowering sky looming closely overhead.

Skรกldstaรฐafjall (1029m) in Eyjafjarรฐarsveit, north-eastern #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #TravelThursday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

Plunge Pool

This was one of the first times we'd visited gorgeous Seljalandsfoss, and we discovered when we arrived that we were almost the only visitors at that time. Imagine that - the whole place to ourselves.

The little figure in a black coat on the path to the 61m/200ft falls is me!

September, Rangรกrรพing eystra in southern #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #WaterfallWednesday #LandscapePhotography

Water Power

This beautiful canyon was created by erosion from glacial meltwater cutting through the palagonite over millennia. It has carved strange, twisted pillars of rock standing on either flank of the river. A well-laid walking trail climbs the eastern side for about a mile, ans contains many observation platforms.

Fjaรฐrรกrgljรบfur ("Feather river canyon") in Skaftรกrhreppur, southern #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #TravelTuesday #LandscapePhotography

For #MountainMonday: A spring rainstorm flows from the clouds to the mountains in British Columbia, Canada. Eagle Mountain and the Buntzen Lake area appear to be receiving the brunt of the rainfall while the sun breaks through the clouds to the west.

A few more photos here:

#Landscape #LandscapePhotography #Mountains #BritishColumbia #Storm #Wx #FotoMontag

Horses On A Hill

Iceland in February, very beautiful but with unpredictable weather. We never travel without a change of warm and dry clothes, plenty of water and a high calorie snack. This was the tail-end of a strong wind storm, and we were glad to see it finish.

Vatnsdalsfjall (882m) in Hรบnavatnshreppur, north-western #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #MountainsMonday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography


"His qualities were beauteous as his form,
For maiden-tongued he was, and thereof free;
Yet, if men moved him, was he such a storm
As oft 'twixt May and April is to see,
When winds breathe sweet, untidy though they be."
- #ShakespeareSunday, Lover's Complaint

A sparsely inhabited fjord on a still summer's day.

Kollafjรถrรฐur, Reykhรณlahreppur, Westfjords of NW #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

A view of some of the White Mountains from a roadside parking area, summer 2019.

(Itโ€™s a wide panorama, probably wonโ€™t work very well for mobile viewing.)

#LandscapePhotography #mountains

Black Beauty

The volcanic sands of Reynisfjara, near Vรญk รญ Mรฝrdal in southern #Iceland.

This strand regularly features in lists of "World's Top Beaches" due to its cleanliness, water quality and sheer loveliness.
If it was rated for swimming and sunbathing, it would get 0/10 every time!

The basalt stump in the centre is Arnardrangur (Eagle Rock) and in the distance are the famous Reynisdrangar.

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#DailyPhoto #FarAwayFriday #LandscapePhotography

Canyon Cascade

There are some lovely and quite famous valleys in southern #Iceland, this one is unusual because the entrance is blocked by a large, dome-shaped rock.
Stjรณrnargljรบfur (๐™Ž๐™ฉ๐™ฎ๐™–๐™ฌ๐™ฃ-๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ณ-๐˜จ๐˜ญ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ-๐˜ท๐˜ณ๐˜ณ) gulley also contains a river and its waters cascade beautifully over this block.

Stjรณrnarfoss waterfall (49 ft/15 m high) in Skaftรกrhreppur. The guy in the shot is my partner!

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#DailyPhoto #WaterfallWednesday #LandscapePhotography

On Tuesday the Nomads tackled the high hills and forest above Capileira, around 2300m - For me the theme was water. This is where the water comes from, snow melt fuels the streams and an intricate network of acequias built by the Moors a millennium ago disperses the water through a network estimated to measure over 3000 km through the Sierra Nevada and Alpujarra. Without this network, large tracts of southern and eastern spain would be desert. Sobering. #water #landscapephotography #agua

Snow Dome

November: A shot from a plane flying at 6500m between Reykjavik to Akureyri. The accumulation of snowflakes on the top of Hrรบtfell (1396m) eventually flows as part of a glacier - Hrรบtfellsjรถkull.

The other mountains are Innra-Sandfell and Femra-Sandfell. Blรกskรณgabyggรฐ in the western Central Highlands of #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #MountainsMonday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

I've never posted an image like this before, the colours are mental! My husband lit the Longstone with a torch as the sky erupted in pinks and greens. This is in the darkest part of the Island which is campaigning for Dark Skies Status, so there was no light pollution.
The colours were visible to the naked eye.
#theLongstone #StandingStone #NorthernLights #AuroraBorealis #IsleofWight #AvailableLight #LandscapePhotography

Pacific Crest Trail: Part 1

Mount Hood looks stunning from up here on Table Mountain. I was informed by a frankly terrified-looking day hiker that black bears were seen up here last night. Iโ€™m proceeding with caution and will update you if I encounter them. ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ—ปโ˜€๏ธ

#Backpacking #PNW #WashingtonState #Photography #Hiking #Walking #Nature #Outdoors #LandscapePhotography

Glacial Reflection

A sunset boat ride across Fjallsรกrlรณn lagoon, towards the snout of Fjallsjรถkull glacier.

The mountain on the left is ร†rfjall (407m/1335ft) and the hook-shaped tongue on the left is Hrรบtรกrjรถkull - the 'Ram Glacier'.

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#DailyPhoto #FarAwayFriday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

Ox Valley

February: Crossing the Trรถllaskagi peninsular on a beautifully crisp day. The main ring-road, Route 1, passes between multiple 1000+ metre high mountains as it winds between Skagafjรถrรฐur and Eyjafjรถrรฐur in the north of #Iceland.

I particularly love this spot, dropping down into ร–xnadalur from Krรณkรกrdalur, but I'd never seen the road picked out so clearly before.

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#DailyPhoto #TravelThursday #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

Glacial Motion

Svรญnafellsjรถkull ("Pig Mountain Glacier") in the midday sunshine, farm buildings at its foot lending scale.

The dark lobe near ground level at the snout is from a landslide - the glacier shrinkage has left the side walls dangerously unsupported, and the collapse is accelerating the melt of the ice beneath.

October, Hornafjรถrรฐur in south-eastern #Iceland.

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#DailyPhoto #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

Hey friends! We just came back from a great hike near #garmischpartenkirchen. We wanted to do this mountain recently but the snow in the upper part was too risky for us.

Today we went there again. Beautiful ascent, nice views. Some spray rain and a slippery, dirty descent. But at the end we even had some sun!

Now we feel tired and a bit sore ๐Ÿ˜‰

#nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #mountains #wandern #bayern #bavaria #alps #alpen #wanderlust #photography #outdoors
