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Items tagged with: Climate

We know — and our rulers certainly know — that if we are to have any hope of preserving even a limited version of today’s complex modern society, greenhouse gas emissions MUST go down, swiftly and urgently.

But instead, emissions continue going up and up and up. It is literally suicidal.

So, WHY haven't we stopped burning fossil fuels?

Because there are profits to be made. Huge, massive, irresistibly tempting profits.

In a sane world, these actions would be seen as criminal.

Perpetrators like fossil fuel executives, their financiers, and the politicians who enable them, would be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted, with assets forfeited to pay for mitigation and reparations.

But we do not live in a sane world.

#Politics #Economics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Degrowth

During #Brazil’s worst #drought, #wildfires rage and the #Amazon River falls to a record low


#fire #wildfire #climate #environment #Problem #news

"One Garden Against the World is a call to action for anyone interested in gardening, #conservation or #climate change. Bradbury’s engaging narrative and actionable advice make this book an essential read for urban dwellers looking to make a positive impact."

#gardening #rewilding #restoration #cities #urbangreening #backyardhabitat

“…compared to an earlier analysis based on CMIP5-generation climate model simulations, human-caused greenhouse warming will likely result in an even more substantial rise in QRA events and associated persistent summer weather extremes.”

TL;DR: the same conclusion as every other climate study I’ve read recently. i.e., we’re even more fucked than we thought we were and we can’t even really predict how fucked we are because we’ve never been this fucked before.


I'm glad to see that the environmental impact of AI remains in the news this month... a few links here 🧵 is a neat recent introduction to the subject.

#AI #generativeAI #climate

#Starbucks #CEO is under fire for plan to commute to #office by private #jet


But while other workers will commute by car or public #transportation, Niccol will travel nearly 1,000 miles from his home in Newport Beach, #California, to Starbuck's #Seattle offices, by corporate jet, according to his offer letter, which was made public in an SEC filing.

#job #work #Problem #economy #climate #environment #co2 #transport #news

Just in the last few days, we've witnessed "once-in-a-century" flooding in China and Southeast Asia, in Africa, in South America, and in Central Europe.

Yeah, about those floods...

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

EU warns deadly flooding and wildfires show climate breakdown is fast becoming the norm

#EU #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

TROM II: Politicians vs Reality -

Let's put their promises face to face with reality.

#politics #climatechange #climate #capitalism #trade #money #environment

Google and Microsoft recently admitted their emissions are soaring as they build out data centers to power the AI boom.

But new analysis from The Guardian suggests the data center emissions of Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Apple are 662% higher than the companies reporting.

#tech #ai #datacenters #microsoft #google #apple #meta #climate

What a set of headlines, can't get any more dystopian than that. The rich go into vanity trips into space, while the common people down below drown.

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climate #space #spacex

In Brazil’s rapidly changing climate, unique species of river #dolphins pay the ultimate price: “…dolphins are us in the water…Whatever happens to [the dolphins], it’s going to happen to us” @c_m_dangelo @jason_gulley_science @HuffPost
#climate #climatechange

Oregon’s Largest Natural Gas Company Said It Was Going Green. It Sells as Much Fossil Fuel as Before.

NW Natural told Oregonians it had a new source of clean energy: renewable natural gas. Industry documents obtained by ProPublica reveal how the company has, for years, perpetuated its core fossil fuel business while painting a picture of going green.

#Oregon #Gas #FossilFuels #CleanEnergy #Sustainability #Climate #Environment #GreenEnergy #Renewable

Microsoft tells the public that their AI will help solve climate issues. Then they turn around and tell fossil fuel companies that AI will help their business.

Gift link to read about this:

#AI #Climate #Microsoft

Microsoft's Hypocrisy on AI

#climate #microsoft

#EV stands for EVIL Vehicles. Data shows that only 5% of an EV battery is recycled. The electronic components of an EV battery weighs at least 20% of the weight of an EV battery that typically weighs well over 1000 lb. Even if you ignore the toxic and carcinogenic components such as cobalt in the battery, you still have 200lb electronics and plastic that are not recycled. An EV also uses electronic controls that will never be recycled.
#climatechange #climate,or%20disposed%20of%20in%20landfill.

30% of the biggest corporate emitters have long-term climate targets aligned with 1.5°C

Since 2020, the share of companies with long-term (2050) emissions targets aligned with 1.5°C has increased from 7% to 30%. However, the credibility of long-term climate ambitions is often unclear, with many companies lacking intermediate targets and clear quantifications of the key elements of their climate strategies

#UK #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #environment #climate

#Pacific islands submit #court proposal for recognition of #ecocide as a #crime


In a submission to the international criminal court on Monday, they propose a change in the rules to recognise “ecocide” as a crime alongside #genocide and war crimes.

If successful, the change could allow for the prosecution of individuals who have brought about environmental destruction, such as the heads of large #polluting companies, or heads of state.

#politics #news #environment #nature #sealevel #future #economy #justice #climate

Cop this! Oil companies are building drilling platforms that can be **raised higher** as sea levels rise. Not only do they know that their activities cause sea levels to rise, they have **no intention of stopping**.

#climate #FossilFuels #ClimateDiary

#saharadesert #climate #monsoon #danger #sands #heat

Thank god! I was really worried about dropping uncontrollably AND running out of air at the same time. I shouldn't have been. More likely the elevator will be vaporized by the #Climate #Emergency. Good to know someone is on call.

While it is true that switching to small electrical vehicles can be part of the solution for a few people in limited circumstances, the reality is that our path to a cleaner, healthier, happier future does NOT include a shiny new Tesla in every garage.

We need *fewer* cars on the road, not more cars (electric or not). And we must strongly encourage better solutions like walking, cycling, e-bikes, light rail, etc.

#WarOnCars #BanCars #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange

How Halloween pumpkins contribute to the climate crisis

But there’s a sinister side to the fun

After Halloween ends, people throw their pumpkins away, and they’re hauled off to landfills. Pumpkins in landfills rot — & when they do, those gourds expel gas

methane is at least 28 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere over a century-long period

#Halloween #USA #US #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GlobalBurning #environment #climate

In The Verge, I explained why self-driving cars could be a disaster for climate change and road safety -- even if they work perfectly.

The answer lies in the Jevons paradox, a classic 19th century economic theory.

#climate #climatechange #cars

It’s a vicious cycle: The planet gets hotter, more people want air conditioning, the planet gets hotter. But thanks to funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, University of Maryland researchers are developing climate-friendly air conditioning. Read more from Inside Climate News:
#Science #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Climate #AirConditioning #Earth

Find more articles on climate change at @InsideClimate.

Just a few evolved apes that have learned to go to the toilet but don't even manage to maintain their own habitat.

#ape #earth #quote #future #environment #nature #pollution #apocalypse #humanity #Problem #capitalism #fail #Intelligence #climate

British #climate protesters who plotted highway shutdown given record harsh #prison sentences


“The plain fact is that each of you some time ago has crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic,” Hehir told the group. “You have appointed yourselves as sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change.”

#court #law #protest #uk #politics #fail #Problem #activism #future #humanity #justice #news

"Researchers have documented an explosion of hate and misinformation on Twitter since the Tesla billionaire took over in October 2022... Policies aimed at curbing the deadly effects of climate change are accelerating, prompting a rise in what experts identify as organised resistance by opponents of climate reform."

What's not mentioned here is many are hopping over to #Mastodon.

Anyone using Bluesky? What's your experience?

#technews #socialmedia #climate

It’s rare to see both at the same time – but August has brought La Niña, which forms in the tropical Pacific, and the less well-known Atlantic Niña.

The Atlantic Niña usually works to reduce hurricane risk. Not this year, though, due to record-warm oceans.
#hurricaneseason #climate #science #environment

Scientists have discovered more than 1,700 ancient viruses deep inside a Tibetan glacier.

#EverythingsFine #climatechange #climate #ClimateCrisis