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Items tagged with: usPol

If you're down about last night's debate, listen to Joe in his North Carolina's rally today!

He's on fire.

"Donald Trump is a one-man crime wave...He has no respect for the law." -- Joe Biden

#USpol #USpolitics #Election2024 #JoeBiden


Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal

Bannon, a former Trump adviser, was convicted of contempt of Congress in July 2022 for defying subpoenas from the House Jan. 6 committee and sentenced to four months.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

The Supreme Court did not issue an opinion about Trump's immunity today. That means that the court has held this issue, preventing the trial from going forward, for literally as long as they possibly could.

#scotus #uspol #USPolitics #SupremeCourt

Content warning: US politics

Content warning: I'm not voting for Joe Biden.

Content warning: US Politics

Trump on the effects of inflation: "They can't live. They're not living any more."


#USpol #USpolitics #Debate2024 #Debate

Watching post-debate commentary reminds me why I stopped watching political shows.

Even listening to people I used to tolerate raises my blood pressure.

So, good night.

#USpol #USpolitics #Election2024

The #Debate was an odd mirror of the current state of the internet.

On one side there was an LLM extremely confidently spewing made-up bullshit with airs of speaking with authority, and on the other were the slowly withering dregs of actual useful information, getting increasingly difficult to find amidst all the aggressive SEO and clickbait.

#USPol #Enshittification

I am forcing myself to watch this shitshow of a #debate because it is truly historic! Hopefully no nightmares when I go to bed!

#trump #debate #PresidentialDebate #cnn #cbc #usa #canada #uspol #cdnpoli

Content warning: US politics

"Your tax money NOT at work"

Republicans show little interest in running the government; too busy doing doing Trump's dirty work!

The White House accused House Judiciary Committee Republicans of working β€œto harass and intimidate a private citizen” after they scheduled a meeting to consider a contempt referral for President Biden’s ghostwriter
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #government #BreakingNews #Breaking

"Donald Trump a Threat to American Values"
- Adam Kinzinger

Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) endorsed President Biden’s reelection bid Wednesday, a day before the first presidential debate against convicted Felon Donald Trump
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #democrats #Biden #Trump

If Leading CEOs Aren’t Donating to Trump, It’s Because They Don’t Need To | The Nation #USPol
Plenty of 1%er cash still flowing to Trump, just a different route

House GOP changed the rules to prevent anyone from mentioning that Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, that he was found liable of sexual abuse and defamation, that he has been indicted for various crimes (such as inciting an insurrection, refusing to return government secrets, as well as asking Georgia to "find" votes to overturn its election). IOW, hiding facts. πŸ™„

"House Republicans bar any mention of Trump's felon status on House floor"

#USpol #USpolitics #Trump

A big positive step from the Biden administration re: climate that's been woefully under-publicized:

This is one of the many Biden climate response initiatives that will be immediately unwound under a second Trump administration. I'm exaggerating when I say I am a single-issue voter in this election, but not by very much.

#USPol #climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange

#TFG #MentalHealth
#Dementia? #USpol #Elections2024

Via #CNN

"Author says he has cognitive questions about #Trump after interviewing him six times
Journalist and author #RaminSetoodeh has interviewed former President Trump six times since Trump left the White House. In an interview with CNN's #KaitlanCollins, #Setoodeh says Trump's struggled with his memory and appeared to still believe he had foreign policy powers."

By Voting for Democrats, We Make ALL of Our Lives BETTER! #uspol #uspolitics #uspoli

It was life-changing: How new bill is helping #minnesota families eliminate medical debt


As we were talking about it yesterday, this sums up the precarious #political situation in the US quite ftittingly:

@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

#USpol #Fascism #GOP


Progressive political commentator, #ThomHartman 1) should have named his excellent summary piece,
The Dark Side of Politics: The GOP's MAGA Lie Machine, #TheStateOfTheUnion instead.

And what a sad state it is, indeed.
Never since the end of the #CivilWar has #US #democracy been so embattled.
Never since WWII and the downfall of the #fascist, #DeutschesReich controlled #AmericaFirst Party has the truth fallen victim to such...


I did mention that there were four books πŸ“š about #LyndonBJohnson, right? πŸ˜‰

Book One: The Path to Power (1982)

Book Two: Means of Ascent (1990)

Book Three: Master of the Senate (2002)

Book Four: The Passage of Power (2012)


Day 12:


...beliefs and practices. His concept of republicanism emphasized proslavery thought..." 2)

That would be an epic battle! πŸ₯°

Short of this, this book is also an excellent tutorial for anyone who plans to have a career in #politics. #MustRead


#20Days20Books (We'll see πŸ˜‰)

Day 12:


...knowledge and writing skills, I' love to write a book in the style of #AlternateHistory, where #LyndonBJohnson, a grandmaster of backroom deals and finding morning majorities, would clash with #HenryClay, #TheGreatCompromiser, and one...

#20Days20Books (We'll see πŸ˜‰)

Day 12:

(3/n) became clear to me that he has been the political #SunTzu of the #US Senate. Initially not having the hard power for direly needed reform, #Johnson managed to transform the "upper chamber" representing the "states rights" into a masterpiece of...

#20Days20Books (We'll see πŸ˜‰)

The Conservative, far-right supreme court is helping Trump every day and every way.

Their slow walk of deciding Trump's immunity is gutting America, as a new cut into democracy happens each day of inaction.

The Supreme Court are the best lawyers Trump ever bought!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

#USpol #Fascism #GOP

...massive lies:

"Over the last month, you can feel that something important has happened. πŸ‘‰A tipping point has been reached.πŸ‘ˆ Republicans who used to act like they had not heard or read the latest #Trump outrage now show up at his trials and parrot his most vile lies. The #GOP now openly extol the virtues of political prosecutions and disparage the rule of law.”

God save America,
because most politicians are failing 2 do so.

#USpol #Fascism #GOP


Progressive political commentator, #ThomHartman 1) should have named his excellent summary piece,
The Dark Side of Politics: The GOP's MAGA Lie Machine, #TheStateOfTheUnion instead.

And what a sad state it is, indeed.
Never since the end of the #CivilWar has #US #democracy been so embattled.
Never since WWII and the downfall of the #fascist, #DeutschesReich controlled #AmericaFirst Party has the truth fallen victim to such...

My answer to that question is always that America's decline into vast inequity began in earnest with the presidency of Ronald Reagan and his free market, pro-deregulation, trickle-down bullshit.

#USPol #USPolitics

β€œIt certainly seems like an issue that could be ripe for litigation because it’s right on its face discriminating against people for sexual orientation or #transgender status.”

Out today, from Kit @oconnell: Emails obtained from the #Texas Department of Agriculture reveal the turmoil caused by Sid Miller's transphobic dress code, which the Observer first revealed last year.

#news #politics #agriculture #transphobia #LGBTQIA+ #USpol #law

#USpol #BooksThatInfluencedYou

I have been looking with increasing dismay at the political situation in the #US: they are a #DemocracyInChains, a book by historian #NancyMcLean.

(To be fair, I'm cheating a bit here, as I've so far only read a detailed but excellent article on the book so far:

It is on the top of my reading list, though.)
@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

Don't waste your vote this fall and you can get used to seeing this headline:

DOJ sues [insert obscenely greedy corp here]

#USpol #Elections

What a novel idea - don't vote for a Convicted Felon to be President of the United States!

The Politico/Ipsos survey found that 21 percent of independents said they are less likely to vote for Trump after the conviction, adding that the guilty verdict in Trump’s hush money case is very important to how they will vote in November
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking

"Long live October 7." That's what you're defending.

Here are hundreds of demonstrators in Lower Manhattan, celebrating the massacre of a thousand Jewish civilians. They're waving the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah, terrorist groups that explicitly aim to kill Jews everywhere in the world. Hezbollah once blew up a Jewish community center in Argentina.

How dare you and The New Republic claim this isn't #antisemitism? How dare you attack my president for condemning this hate?


Our top story: As the researchers proceeded to search for textiles, they realized they had stumbled onto a crime scene. A massive theft of pre-Columbian art reveals troubling truths about Texans’ role in the illicit antiquities trade.

#history #culture #HumanRights #Indigenous #Texas #politics #USpol #news
