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Items tagged with: CyberSecurity

Very excited to have the SSID Confusion attack report that I authored with @vanhoefm included in today's Risky Biz newsletter by @campuscodi - if you aren't signed up already, get right on it, it's required daily reading imho #vpn #wifi #vulnerability #infosec #cybersecurity

Purchased This Random X13 "Bug Detector" Demo "Signal Detection" Mode On Channel

Watch To See Demo Using HackRF Portapack H2 + Baofeng + Fan Remote

#Infosec #privacy #cybersecurity #hackrf #portapack #surveillance #HumanRights #X13 #baofeng #sdr #radio

This is intended for store shelves to inform customers before they buy. And hopefully, it will spur negligent manufacturers to do better. #cybersecurity #infosec

White House: Cyber trust label could be in place by end of the year @therecord_media

Why is #Mozilla collecting our #search data?


Sensitive topics, like searching for particular health care services, are categorized only under broad terms like health or society. Your search activities are handled with the same level of confidentiality as all other data regardless of any local laws surrounding certain health services.

Hello Mozilla, I use Firefox because my privacy is important to me. The best security is still achieved if you don't collect the data. That is why I will use a fork that does not collect search data. It would be nice if Mozilla took user privacy more seriously.

#privacy #news #browser #web #internet #firefox #security #cybersecurity #surveillance #statistics #bigdata #bigbrother

Apparently Google accidentally deleted all online data from UniSuper, a superannuation fund with half a million members.

UniSuper was only able to restore from backups from a different service. If they'd been solely relying on Google, then UniSuper and their members would be screwed.

Google says "This is an isolated, ‘one-of-a-kind occurrence’" But I'm seeing reports on Lemmy claiming to have dealt with similar problems with Google, suggesting this only the first *major* customer it has happened to.

In any case, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Even that that basket tries to make it ever-so-convenient for you to give them everything.

#google #cybersecurity #unisuper

Do you want to learn how to setup an air-gapped #Nextcloud for maximum privacy and data protection?

Join me on May 22nd at 9 am EDT / 3 pm CEST on a free webinar to learn about air-gapped Nextcloud:

🔍 Critical factors to consider
🛡️ Four customizable air-gapped setups
🔧 Setting up air-gapped Nextcloud instances
💼 Best practices for Nextcloud maintenance

Register for free:

#OpenSource #GovTech #Security #CyberSecurity #infosec #privacy #sysadmin #datasecurity

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is happening online as well as on the ground – with phishing attacks and hacking efforts targeting civilians on both sides.
#Israel #Hamas #Technology #Cybersecurity

I'll give this a shot.

I'm looking to #GetFediHired for a role in #cybersecurity. I've done both offensive (see e.g. and defensive security work, and have over 20 years of software development experience in many different languages.


DMs always open.

#FediHire #FediHired (we should pick a hashtag and stick with it) #InfoSec

Olaf Scholz' Webex-Meetingraum ist nicht mehr erreichbar.
Ja: der an sich war kein großes Sicherheitsrisiko, denn natürlich kann Olaf Scholz immer noch selbst entscheiden, wen er in seinen Raum hineinlässt oder rauswirft.
ABER: diese persönlichen Meetingräume leaken eine enscheidende Information, die mir heute geholfen hat, einige #Webex -Meetings zu besuchen, zu denen ich nicht eingeladen war.

Dauert noch ein paar Tage, bis alles aufgeräumt ist. Dann schreibe ich euch das auf.

What's your favorite #cybersecurity tool (after Tuta 😉)? And why do you prefer it to Big Tech?

I'm looking to borrow (it's $200 and I'm not buying it) a copy of an extremely niche book from a law school library for a week or so. It's called "Cybersecurity and the Courthouse: Safeguarding the Judicial Process".

It should be very useful for all of my recent #cybersecurity work in that area (see

If you, dear reader, have access to such things, I'd like to have a chat to see what we can figure out.

Boosts highly appreciated.

#infosec #law #library

Cyberkriminelle als ungebetene Gäste beim gemütlichen Abend vor dem smarten Fernseher? 📺 Das wollt ihr nicht! Mit unseren Tipps, auf, sorgt ihr dafür, dass Spione nur im Film Ziele ausspähen und nicht in euren privaten Daten schnüffeln.

#DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI #TeamBSI #CyberSecurity

Guten Morgen, wer es am Wochenende verpasst hat: Wir haben eine massive Sicherheitslücke bei der Bundeswehr und der Bundesregierung aufgedeckt. Die Bundeswehr hat ihren Webex-Server daraufhin vom Internet genommen (was heute mehrere hundert geplante Meetings betreffen dürfte). Der Bundesregierung hingegen scheint das alles egal zu sein. Der Meetingraum von Olaf Scholz steht jedenfalls auch heute noch offen.
#Cybersecurity #bundeswehr

Years later, #Marriott admits data were not encrypted before its 2018 #databreach. Now what?

Did they get insurance reimbursement because their claim said the data had been encrypted? Will #SEC find they made a material misrepresentation to consumers and investors?

Will people who didn't try to sue them claim they had relied on Marriott's statement and they now want to sue them?

Lots of questions, including when did they first find out that the data had not been encrypted and why didn't they find out and disclose it sooner?

Great reporting by Evan Schuman:

#infosec #cybersecurity

yeah this is pissing me off as I’m one of the larger cybersecurity creators on TikTok at 368,000 followers. It’s still how everyone finds my mastodon, twitch, and soon YouTube. It’s still also 80% of my revenue for my content creation LLC between shop and content payouts.

I’ve been on the platform since the pandemic started and any concerns we have about TikTok were already said about Meta and others

#tiktok #tiktokban #cybersecurity #infosec

BREAKING: #Israeli private investigator arrested for cyberespionage on behalf of American PR firm.

Caught by UK under #RedNotice from 🇺🇸US while boarding a flight.

BIG TWIST in a wild case that began w/our @citizenlab investigation into indian hack-for-hire group #belltrox

Sound familiar?

Because Amit Forlit is the *second* PI from #Israel arrested in similar way for this case.

First = convicted.

#hacking #cybersecurity #infosec #malware #espionage #intelligence

If you use Dropbox you should probably change your password.

Headline: #Dropbox Hacked! Threat Actor Accessed Passwords and Phone Numbers

Snippet: A quick analysis revealed that a threat actor had broken in to access customer information such as emails, usernames, phone numbers and hashed passwords, as well as general account settings and certain authentication information (API keys, OAuth tokens, and multi-factor authentication).

#Privacy #Security #Cybersecurity

Oh, great. Computer security researchers have developed a proof-of-concept for a type of ransomware that would act when you try to *upload* a file. It would be able to encrypt any files in the folder you uploaded from, and any subfolders of it.

This is a proof-of-concept; the researchers have not seen any such attacks in the wild. But stay careful out there, okay?

Affects Chrome and Edge, but *not* Firefox or Safari!

#security #cybersecurity #malware #ransomware

I don't think I have many Fediverse connections to the #cybersecurity community in #Sweden, but maybe this can get boosted by someone who does?

A friend just left their job (for reasons unrelated to the position), and in a moment of weakness, as the only one around with my own Fediverse server, I may have volunteered to see if anyone wants to #GetFediHired as their replacement. Technical cybersecurity, incident response, mostly Windows, Swedish language proficiency and in-person attendance (mid-southern Sweden) required.

#Networks like #I2P serve useful to #OSINT #investigations, #Journalism, and #activism (#clearnet conns can be more private using #outproxy in I2P).

You can customize your routing experience, even change number of hops, banning and unbanning routers based on suspicious behavior! 😎

💡 TIP: take advantage of using both I2P & #Tor browser set up - spreading the risk to personal #privacy / #anonymity (+ avoid blocks).

Right now I2P is under attack: help by running i2p!

#infosec #cybersecurity

NEW: female army officers that reported sexual harassment... were hacked with #Pegasus.

Official confirmations from #Poland's AG keep shedding light on more apparent spyware abuses by past gov.

Link [in PL]:

#Poland #spyware #cybersecurity #infosec #hacking #malware #polska #polish #surveillance #intelligence

🚨 I2P Is Under DDoS Attack By Zombie Routers

#I2P #networking #infosec #cybersecurity #HumanRights #Journalism #activism #surveillance #Privacy #Sybil #ddos #dos #video #proxy #encryption #crypto #e2ee

Watch In I2P



#Windows #vulnerability reported by the #NSA exploited to install Russian #malware


When Microsoft patched the vulnerability in October 2022—at least two years after it came under #attack by the Russian hackers—the company made no mention that it was under active exploitation.

#patch #update #exploit #Russia #security #CyberSecurity #news #os #software #hack #hacker

"Citizen, leave a copy of your home keys at the police station."

Hmm, people won't like that.

How about, "home-builders have a social responsibility ...[and must give police copies of all house keys]"

Much better.

#Europol taking another stab at the encryption fight.

#Encryption #privacy #infosec #cybersecurity #europe #surveillance

Advanced #Phishing Kit Adds #LastPass Branding for Use in Phishing Campaigns

Threat actors using phishing kits are pretending to be LastPass in phone calls and emails to steal user credentials.

Actual phishing site: “help-lastpass[.]com”

Shortened URL Embedded in Email: shorturl[.]at/glvT0

Phishing Email Subject Line: We’re here for you

Spoofed Sender: Shows as LastPass Support <support@lastpass>

#security #cybersecurity #passwords

#followfriday is back (after I missed it last week). Once again, here's some cool #infosec / #cybersecurity accounts I've discovered and followed recently...

- @Omkhar
- @zh4ck
- @pietrushnic
- @freddy
- @zerotypic
- @jeFF0Falltrades
- @13reak
- @WPalant

Plus a few cool accounts I've discovered from fun instances around the #fediverse...

- @Shrigglepuss
- @tonicfunk
- @stephan

I've also updated my site's #blogroll with Fediverse handles for each site entry's author -

#LLM Agents can Autonomously #Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities


To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the #CVE description. When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87% of these vulnerabilities compared to 0% for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and #Metasploit).

#ai #technology #Software #chatgpt #bug #hack #news #cybersecurity