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Items tagged with: Democracy

Crossing a historic threshold, Mexicans appear poised to elect a woman as president this Sunday but to otherwise leave politics largely unchanged. Reprinted with permission from palabra. and Puente News Collaborative:

#news #politics #Mexico #democracy #election2024 #border

Fucking hell; he will make millions on this #verdict from the chumps, the white supremacists, the angry, criminal, violent & privileged.

The #Trump campaign’s fundraising site, hosted by Republican fundraising platform Winred, is now back online & soliciting donations after crashing just minutes after today’s verdict. It bears Trump’s mugshot over the text “Never Surrender” & solicits donations ranging from $20.24 all the way to $3,300.

#law #guilty #felon #TrumpTrial #democracy

Political parties are structured to limit democracy.

Example #853564:

‘Appalling cull’: Britain’s Labour bars another left-winger from election

The parliamentary system is particularly bad, given the leader's power, but Trump has shown that a presidential system can be equally bad.

> Critics accuse party of conducting a purge of left-wingers, as Faiza Shaheen deselected over social media posts.

#partyPolitics #democracy

"Fourteen pro-democracy activists were convicted in Hong Kong’s biggest national security case on Thursday by a court that said their plan to effect change through an unofficial primary election would have undermined the government’s authority and created a constitutional crisis."

ABC News reports:

More more top news, follow @news-thenewsdesk

#HongKong #Democracy #Activism #Asia #News

Alito, the author of the Dobbs opinion, is just trolling us now. In his letter to Congress refusing to recuse himself he says "My wife is an independently minded private citizen. She makes her own decisions, and I honor her right to do so."

#SCOTUS #ethics #judiciary #J6 #democracy

Here is the (two dimensional) political placing of the parties in the forthcoming UK election from Political Compass....

If you thought you didn't have an awful lot of choice, the fact that all major parties are (on this assessment) siting in the blue (Right/Authoritarian) quadrant will confirm that suspicion

#election #democracy


h/t @melanie @PoliceStateUK

Paul Waldman asks,

"How'd you like to win an election with just 4% of the vote?"

"Under the GOP proposal [in Texas], a candidate could win a statewide race with just 4 percent of the vote."

#Texas #Republicans #democracy #MinorityRule

Alito is in the tank for the criminal former president and the decimation of democracy. Not that his legal opinions have ever left much room for plausible deniability on those fronts, but now it is out there flying in plain sight.

But we can also fly our own flags, ones that support #democracy and freedoms, writes @andreagrimes


Meanwhile, President #Biden's campaign is holding a news conference outside the courthouse in Manhattan, a guarantee of attention since the media has been stationed here for week.

The speakers have focused not on the #TrumpTrial, but largely on the insurrection by #Trump supporters on #Jan6, 2021, & the threats the Biden campaign argues Trump poses to #democracy & the nation's future.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

I’m emerging from my social media hiatus to share recent comments from Ken Burns. I’ve chatted with him a few times over the years, always to my benefit. He’s very worried about American democracy — I think with good reason.

Here’s a video excerpt from his speech at Brandeis:

A transcript of his speech:

Finally, a Washington Post column on his talk:


#UK infected #blood #scandal made worse by ‘chilling’ cover-up, inquiry finds


He added: “When we told people, they didn’t believe us. They said this wouldn’t happen in the UK. Today this proves this can happen – and did happen – in the UK.

#health #politics #crime #humanRights #fail #democracy #news

#Georgien är ett avkoloniserat demokratiskt land som just nu kämpar mot yttre hot mot dess nationella integritet, frihet och oberoende. De behöver allt vårt stöd i kampen mot #putinism, #nystalinism och #fascism.

Georgien (och #Ukraina) måste snarast välkomnas in i den europeiska gemenskapen. Deras kamp för frihet och demokrati är även vår kamp.

გილოცავთ დამოუკიდებლობის დღეს!

#georgia #independenceday #freedom #democracy

Regardless of your choice of religion (if any), your "right to exist" NEVER supersede someone else's right to do so. Doesn't matter if you've been a victim in the past, it doesn't give you a "free pass" to use that as an excuse to commit atrocities in the present.

When institutions are controlled by interests who do not accept criticism, you're not living in a democracy anymore and act exactly like the authoritarian governments you hate so much.

#Harvard #Democracy

The flags outside of #SCOTUS Justice Alito's homes are symbols that fuel white nationalism.

Throughout U.S. history, Americans have been warned that anti-Black #racism is deeply embedded in the fabric of our society and institutions... and has always been a threat to #democracy. Real progress will require racism to be confronted within Americans' minds, homes, and communities first, not just Washington D.C.

A controversial bill to give Taiwan's legislature increased power passed a second reading on Friday. A third reading is required for the bills to become law

#Taiwan #KMT #TPP #Democracy

As Heather Cox Richardson reports, the Supreme Court just signed off on a South Carolina congressional map that dilutes Black votes by gerrymandering.

And Samuel Alito wrote the majority opinion. She writes,

"Almost exactly 70 years after the Supreme Court unanimously decided Brown v. Board, it appears that the framed timbers designed to reverse the expansion of minority rights are falling into place."

#SupremeCourt #Alito #corruption #democracy

A concise and well-written article, 'The End of Civic Compassion: On education in a fascist America' by Jason Stanley, the Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University as published by The New Republic. As one who worked in higher education for 32 years before retiring almost four years ago, I noticed that faculty members seemed more circumspect in their words and actions in the latter part of my career. I think that came in response to gradually more oversight or what some might call meddling in higher education by state lawmakers. I am about halfway through a dystopian novel, Prophet Song by Paul Lynch. It is an unpleasant read that some have compared to Orwell's 1984. It feels more prescient to me than 1984 did when I read it in high school 50 years ago. Is that because I am more politically aware or "woke" today, or are we much closer to the edge of a precipice than we were back then?


If we really lived in a democratic state based on the rule of law, wouldn't #Assange have long since been pardoned due to the inability of the legal system to acquit him?

#question #democracy #humanRights #wikileaks #press #freedom #journalism #warCrime #politics #jail #fail #ethics #justice #system #UK #USA #news

#USPolitics June 2, 1924: Congress enacts the Indian Citizenship Act. Only 100 years ago. Just a reminder that the constitutional definition of 'people' to include all humans is a very recent event, less than 160 years. It's not that long ago. My grandmother (RIP) was born in 1898. The current conservative backsliding on who gets to be 'people' under the constitution needs to be stopped. Don't vote conservative. Reform the Supreme Court. #democracy

It is established fact that Australian soldiers in Afghanistan committed war crimes. Today, the man whose courageous act of whistleblowing brought these crimes to light has been sentenced to almost 6 years in gaol.

This is a dark day in Australian history. Democracy needs people to stand up when they see wrongdoing being committed by powerful people. We should be thanking and celebrating David McBride, not imprisoning him.

#democracy #WarCrimes #Afghanistan #Australia #DavidMcBride #Whistleblower

Good News, Bad News!

"We can't afford another election cycle when essential truths are buried" Essential (and engaging) video:

Read our full guidelines here:

#Democracy #Press #Journalism #Media


Don Harwood responds to New York Times editor Joseph Kahn, who says that the attack on democracy represented by Trump is not the premier campaign issue:

"Donald Trump is the first American presidential candidate to explicitly threaten the democratic system on which a free press depends. He could win. Considering the stakes for the country, that ought to be the campaign issue that dwarfs all others."

#Trump #democracy #NewYorkTimes

The difference between #Project2025 and #Trump’s usual #authoritarian ravings is that Project 2025 isn’t an empty threat, it’s a concrete plan that will roll back your rights and put the government in your life.


#ScorchedEarth #dictator #lessfree #lessfair #lessAmerican #TotalControl #retributio n #uspoli #uspolitics #govote #democracy

Is it true that you shut down all your platforms in the #Fediverse BEFORE the elections, in a time when the fight for #democracy and the #EU is so important?

So, no joy. I can't believe it. Most people blocked Threads, the great platforms that help misinformations, are not a democratic option.

You know that conversation about expanding #SCOTUS

This article explains why that may not make a difference in more liberal outcomes for our #Democracy #law #Supremecourt

#Maddow nails it, as usual.

From the Republican perspective, this election is not actually about policy or governance. It's about the GOP's project to change the American form of government from democracy to autocracy.

#BidenHarris2024 #democrats #Project2025 #democracy #autocracy

@uspolitics @geopolitics @politicalscience

It is always a bad sign when a #democracy bans the #press...


The Foreign Press Association (FPA) urged the Israeli government to reconsider its decision, saying the shut down of #AlJazeera in the country should be "a cause for concern for all supporters of a free press".

#censorship #war #gaza #problem #journalism #freedom #politics #military #humanrights #security #news

Former top prosecutor shows why Hope Hicks 'is such a devastating witness against Trump'

"Why Hicks is such a devastating witness against Trump," Weissmann wrote after the Friday hearing. "1. Hicks makes clear Trump knew of the Cohen payoff scheme to Daniels...

4. Hicks establishes that Trump knew that money was for Daniels' silence- not for the claimed legal fees for ongoing legal work by Cohen."

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats

Elon Musk to reinstate X account of white nationalist Nick Fuentes

Fuentes' X account was still suspended as of Friday morning.

Musk then posted ...
"This will probably cause us to lose a lot of advertisers and makes me sad..."

#News #Politics #Democracy #Democrats #News #Elonmusk #Twitter #Twittermigration #birdsite

Dear European based LGBTIQ+ people.. (so basically everybody).

Today I attended an event in #Amsterdam organized by @waag @DeGroene @gemeenteamsterdam and the #oBa Amsterdam public library called #StateOfTheInternet

Featured speaker this time was Euro Member of Parliament @kimvsparrentak who passionately spoke on the need for a more free Internet detached from #bigTech and more focussed on #Democracy and real #Social interaction.

When confronted with her presence on X and Insta, and the lack of active presence here on the #Fediverse we promised to help her.

Please help us get a decent follower-base here and follow her account right now, before she even gets a chance to get more active. A follower base of more than a 1000 people will surely help her convince her party members to spend time and money on a real presence here.

I used a cut out of the image posted by @sicco in this post: thank you for that Sicco.

Raw Story:
'Trump did this': U.S. VP rages over Florida abortion ban

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris sought to make Donald Trump the face of Florida's strict new abortion ban Wednesday...

"Across our nation, we witness a full-on assault, state by state, on reproductive freedom. And understand who's to blame: former president Donald Trump did this," Harris said in a Jacksonville, Florida speech.

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats