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Items tagged with: AI

Apple and OpenAI closing in on deal for ChatGPT in iOS

"According to a trusted industry analyst, Apple and OpenAI could be finalizing a deal to bring ChatGPT features to iOS."

I'm so sick of ChatGPT ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

#AI #OpenAI #tech #technology #Apple #iOS #press #news

we're letting deterministic systems act against the way they've been built, by simulating non-deterministic behavior.

And now we even use their non-deterministic interfaces for systems to interact with each other...

We live in the most stupidest of all possible timelines.



โ€œMario Fusco, a great software developer, once said: โ€˜The code you write makes you a programmer. The code you delete makes you a good one. The code you donโ€™t have to write makes you a great one.โ€™ So maybe, for once, AI is on to something.โ€

Way to quote someone without understanding a word theyโ€™re saying.

Take a bow, John Naughton.

#ai #techPress #theGuardian #clueless

Today's #ai #generated #podcast is #up. #news #current #events #media

Today we #dive into the #world of #banking as #advocates #express #hope but remain wary of# banks' pledge to stop abusive e-transfers.

We'll also discuss the #struggle for #alone time that many #moms face, as #research suggests an #unfair #division of #labor is to #blame.

#Scientists need your help to find #zombie-#infected #cicadas filled with #gut #pudding. Yes, you heard that right.

#1 reason to use ๐Ÿค—

more servers need to adopt this rule.

#mastodon #sdf #ai

"Although I'm no longer with you in person, my darling, I love you so much. I remember the day we met as clearly as if... You can now make purchases in Bitcoin; visit our storefront now... it were yesterday. The yellow dress you wore was so... Get 10% off the new Apple iPad. Say 'PADOFFER' after this memory..."
#AI #dystopia

#Meta is using your #Instagram and #Facebook photos to train its #AI models

If you are out looking for #NorthernLights #Aurora #AuroraBorealis or for that matter #SouthernLights #AuroraAustralis and you are in the right place at the right time but can't see much, a massive tip is to look at the sky through your cameraphone.

The camera on the #Fairphone5 is OK, not up to iPhone 13pro, but it turned an area of not very remarkable sky (a hint of what might be dust or thin streaky cloud) into convincing aurora. And probably only a tiny proportion of that is #AI I suggest

#Photography #Nightsky

An interesting take on how useful AI was for a Sci-Fi themed music video. I think it would be fair to say that it ended up more decorative than constructive:

The video itself is at

#AI #AIArt #MusicVideo #unleashthearchers

A study that confirms what Iโ€™ve been suspecting for a while: fine-tuning a #LLM with new knowledge increases its tendency to hallucinate.

If the new knowledge wasnโ€™t provided in the original training set, then the model has to shift its weights from their previous optimal state to a new state that has to accommodate both the previous and new knowledge - and it may not necessarily be optimal.

Without a new validation round against the whole previous cross-validation and test sets, thatโ€™s just likely to increase the chances for the model to go off the tangent.

#AI #ML @ai

I haven't kept up with any pop culture news in a long time. I honestly do not care about Drake and Kendrick, or Bieber becoming a father, or this meta fashion whatever or any tech CEO having interviews about AI.

Think it's time to update my RSS feeds, remove some tech news and add more blog feeds. Lately I'm getting more satisfaction from everyone else and their stories.

What is your experience?

#blog #blogging #news #technews #ai #Enshittification

Rifle-Armed #Robot Dogs Now Being Tested By Marine Special Operators


As it features man-in-the-loop fire control, it will alert the operator once a target has been identified, letting the human decide whether to engage or not.

enter image description here

#technology #ai #military #army #weapon #news #war #warfare #future

Interesting | Forth

#AI #OpenAI #Google

Skrev pรฅ Substack om de borttvรคttade orden i Israels Eurovision-lรฅt och hur jag tog AI till hjรคlp fรถr att skapa en ny lรฅt.

#eurovision #israel #palestina #music #ai

It's misleading to use the word "restrict" when they're allowing AI to use the content in the first place....I smell Reddit inflitrating news sources....๐Ÿ˜ณ

From: @Techmeme

#Reddit #AI #SocialMedia

Ideogram Cats!

I read over the weekend that is now the top AI image Bot in the world, placing Midjourney in the #3 spot behind an updated ...

I was surprised to see I already had an Ideogram account created 7 months ago. I guess my "Cat Riding a Motorcycle" test prompt is a little better today, but still not really on the same level as Midjourney.

#AI #AIart #Ideogram #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

@argv_minus_one Oh, sorry if I wasnโ€™t clear. I donโ€™t mean to suggest that the current batch tries to comply, I just wrote that being compliant to the attribution clause would be possible easily.

We have different opinions on ML. I consider it okay for Altman et al. - and for the public! - to train the emperors new โ€œ#AIโ€ on CC material if they follow the rules for derivative works (and the rest of the rules).
And I think that #AISafe is a dangerous can of worms.

@deflockcom @hacks4pancakes I donโ€™t know about a #searchEngine that unlists โ€œ#AIโ€ / #LLM generated content, but this thread may be tangentially interesting to you:

Making intelligence agencies less intelligent.



Introducing AlphaFold 3, a new AI model developed by Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs. By accurately predicting the structure of proteins, DNA, RNA, ligands and more, and how they interact, we hope it will transform our understanding of the biological world and drug discovery.



Played "beneath a steel sky" many years ago after @ber recommended it. Now I replayed it with my child. We had great discussions about human <-> machine interaction (#AI), ethical questions, and laughed together.

Old, but still a great #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #game with a great story (also packaged for distributions).

CTO Kevin Scott: #Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI was 'basically a bet' #AI
