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Items tagged with: tRump

People with no life.

Waiting to see their God in Long Island.

#trump #uniondale #nassaucounty #Election2024

According to recent polling, young men like tfg because he’s a “successful self-made businessman.”

According to records provided by Mary Trump, nis niece, DonOld took $451M from his father, Fred Trump, cheated his siblings of their shares, and then lost most of it in bad investments. Apparently, Trump made a small fortune by starting with a big fortune.

You know anyone who is interested in tfg? Have them read this.

#tfg #trump #GiftArticle

#Barron Bails On His #Trump #Crypto Launch Speech Because Dad's #Blathering Took Too Long

In what may be the most perfectest Trump product launch ever, Barron (evidently eager to prove #KamalaHarris right about his Dad’s rallies) decided to bail on his presentation as the “visionary” behind the project because his Dad’s blathering took too long. Perfect. So so perfect.

#idiocracy #grift #weird #insane #Nonsense
#CommonSense #sanity #RealityBasedPolitics #HarrisWalz2024

#EPA Scientists Said They Were Pressured to Downplay Harms From #Chemicals. A Watchdog Found They Were Retaliated Against.

Three reports issued by the agency’s inspector general detailed personal attacks suffered by the scientists — including being called “stupid,” “piranhas” and “pot-stirrers” — and called on the EPA to take “appropriate corrective action” in response.

#News #Science #Retaliation #Government #Environment #Safety #Whistleblower #Trump #Project2025

#ProLifeMyAss “During #Trump’s admin their managers at #EPA began pressuring them to make new chemicals they were vetting seem safer than they really were. They were encouraged to delete evidence of chemicals’ harms, incl cancer, miscarriage & neuro probs, from their reports — & in some cases their managers deleted the info themselves.

After the scientists pushed back, they received negative performance reviews & 3 were removed, reassigned to jobs elsewhere in EPA”

@volkris I will not engage in semantics other than to say that your objection reminds me of the (#Russia funded) #NRA #TalkingPoint “#Guns don’t kill people, people do.” #USpol #RoevemberIsComing

#Trump has bragged many times “I was able to kill #RoeVWade.”

In a blog post from 2012, J.D. Vance, then a law student at Yale, criticized the Republican Party for being “openly hostile to non-whites” and alienating “Blacks, Latinos, [and] the youth.”

Four years later, he asked his former college professor to take down the post, titled “A Blueprint for the GOP.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

Is there a gaping loophole in the law barring federal contractors “from making contributions or expenditures to any political party, committee, or candidate for federal office,” or do we just rely too much on this guy to get stuff into space to enforce it?

#elonmusk #fascism #Election2024 #trump

Via Kyle Griffin:

NEW: More than 100 Republican former national security and foreign policy officials who served in senior roles across presidential administrations and in Congress have just endorsed Vice President #Harris.

"We believe that [Harris] possesses the essential qualities to serve as President and Donald #Trump does not. We therefore support her election to be President."

Perhaps #Trump doesn’t get the basic concept of supply and demand because he was pulling in $300k per year from his daddy’s tax fraud scheme as a toddler and has only ever succeeded by grifting, stiffing suppliers and slapping his name on stuff.

#Election2024 #inflation #economics

Accountability is coming for crimes committed by felon trump.

#trump #voteblue #harris #AI

Of course. She’d fit in perfectly in a Trump #SCOTUS.

“Judge Aileen #Cannon Failed to Disclose a Right-Wing Junket

Cannon, whose oversight of the Donald #Trump classified documents case has garnered widespread criticism, has repeatedly violated a rule requiring that federal judges disclose their attendance at private seminars.”
— ProPublica

With the usual caveat about polls shmolls:

Margin of error: 1%

“#Harris is leading #Trump nationally by 6 points, according to a polling released a week after the first debate between the major party nominees.

The Morning Consult survey, published Tuesday, found Harris garnered 51% support among likely voters — her highest margin to date — compared to Trump’s 45%.”

Maddow: 'We were supposed to get better at not having our chains yanked' by Trump

“It’s made-to-order-outrage, and the press was supposed to learn something about dealing with this in 2016, 2015?

What we were supposed to learn is that ...It keeps the discussion on things he’s framing rather than what the election might otherwise be about... Recognize what they are doing is a tactic... They are doing it to change the subject.”

#News #Politics #Democrats #Trump


“Mark Meadows, #Trump’s former White House chief of staff, failed to convince a judge that his criminal case related to the 2020 election in #Arizona should be moved to federal court, which could have made it easier to have the charges dismissed.”

#Trump, #Outrage & the Modern Era of #PoliticalViolence
The latest apparent assassination attempt against Trump indicates how much the American political landscape has been shaped by #anger stirred by him & against him.
Within days of Trump #vilifying #immigrants on national TV w/ #lies about #Haitian #immigrants eating pets in #Ohio, people began threatening to blow up #schools, #CityHall & other public bldgs, forcing #evacuations & prompting a wave of #fear.

Why staying on target with our messaging is key:

"Privately, Trump aides think it’s [the 'eating cats' narrative] a net plus. The longer the discussion is about migrants, the less it is about tougher topics for them.

'We talk about abortion, we lose. We talk about immigration, we win,' said one Trump adviser.

But what about spreading an incendiary story for which there is no evidence?

'We’ll take the hit to prove the bigger point,' the adviser said."

#Trump #KamalaHarris


Following an apparent 2nd assassination attempt on #Trump, #ElonMusk posted, "And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala."

User cb_doge on X wrote, "Why they want to kill Donald Trump." #Musk, the billionaire owner of the social media site who supports Trump, replied, "And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala."

#NationalSecurity #PoliticalViolence #incitement

“A man suspected in an apparent assassination attempt targeting #Trump was charged Monday with federal gun crimes. During an 8-minute hearing, prosecutors levied two charges against him: possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

Officials said #Routh could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the first charge, and a possible five-year sentence on the second charge.”

No. NOT a joke. Detestable Trumpian cop-out “JK” is BS…& potentially deadly.

“Hours after what the FBI called a 2nd attempted assassination of #Trump, Elon #Musk wrote on his social media site — and then deleted — a post suggesting it was odd that nobody had tried to kill President #Biden or Vice President Kamala #Harris.

Musk said the post on X had been intended as a joke.”

While all 9 justices agreed that #Trump should remain on state ballots, 4 of the conservatives were pushing to go beyond that & rule that the #Constitution’s prohibition would require congressional action. Such a decision would provide even greater protection for Trump: To prevent him from taking office if he won re-election, #Congress would have to vote to enforce the #insurrectionist ban.

#ChiefJustice #JohnRoberts #law #SCOTUS #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #ElectionInterference #illiberalism

#ChiefJustice #JohnRoberts’s Unsigned Opinion

…In Feb, the justices heard arguments on a provocative question. The #Constitution’s #FourteenthAmendment, adopted after the Civil War, contains language barring #insurrectionists from holding office. So could #Colorado kick #Trump off the ballot in its #Republican primary, creating an obstacle for his presidential campaign?

#law #SCOTUS #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #ElectionInterference #illiberalism #extremism #MAGA #Republicans #corruption

#ChiefJustice #JohnRoberts’ opinion cited “enduring principles,” quoted Alexander Hamilton’s endorsement of a vigorous presidency, & asserted it would be a mistake to dwell too much on #Trump’s actions. “In a case like this one, focusing on ‘transient results’ may have profound consequences for the separation of powers & for the future of our Republic,” he wrote. “Our perspective must be more farsighted.”

#law #SCOTUS #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #ElectionInterference #illiberalism #criminal

…Both #conservatives & #liberals saw it as an epic win for #Trump. He & his supporters exulted over the decision, which greatly expanded presidential #immunity & pushed off any trial until well after the #election —if ever. To #Democrats, the #Republican-appointed #SCOTUS justices were brushing away the #violent Capitol attack & abandoning the core principle that no one is above the #law. The #ChiefJustice, who had long said he wanted to keep the court out of #politics, had plunged it deeply in.

This account draws on details from justices’ private memos, documentation of the proceedings & interviews w/ #SCOTUS insiders, both conservative & liberal,who spoke on the condition of anonymity because deliberations are supposed to be kept secret. [I thank them for providing evidence of such blatant #bias & #corruption]
The #ChiefJustice wrote the majority opinions in all 3 cases, incl an unsigned one in March concluding that #Trump could not be barred from #election ballots in #Colorado.


“I think it likely that we will view the separation of powers analysis differently” from the appeals court, #ChiefJustice #JohnRoberts wrote. In other words: grant #Trump greater protection from prosecution.

In a momentous trio of #Jan6 related cases last term, the court found itself more entangled in presidential #politics than at any time since the 2000 election, even as it was contending w/its own controversies related to that day.

#law #SCOTUS #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #illiberalism

The #ChiefJustice tore into the appellate court opinion greenlighting #Trump’s trial, calling it inadequate & poorly reasoned. On one key point, he complained, the lower court judges “failed to grapple w/the most difficult questions altogether.” He wrote not only that #SCOTUS should take the case — which would stall the #trial — but also HOW the justices should DECIDED it.

#law #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #ElectionInterference #illiberalism #criminal #extremism #MAGA #Republicans

#Trump, seeking to retake the #WhiteHouse, had made a bold, last-ditch appeal to the justices. He wanted them to block his fast-approaching #criminal trial on charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election, arguing that he was protected by presidential #immunity. Whatever move #SCOTUS made could have lasting consequences for the next #election, the scope of presidential #power & the court’s own battered reputation.

#law #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #ElectionInterference #illiberalism

First Trump assassin: Bullied, seemingly apolitical Republican kid looking to go out with a bang.

Second Trump assassin: Ramaswamy/ Haley supporter, Trump-Biden “double hater” and possible Never Trump Republican whose motive is yet unknown.

#trumpassassinationattempt #trump #gop

To be fair, she is more mature.

"Donald Trump Says He ‘Hates' Taylor Swift. She Hasn't Mentioned His Name."

"The pop star has focused her messaging on encouraging fans to register to vote -- and hasn't attacked him personally."

#GOP #Republicans #Trump #TaylorSwift #Swifties #Harris #Election