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Items tagged with: windows

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📷 by Artist: #WilVanDerVelde 🇳🇱 in Loc.: #Mittenwald Germany 🇩🇪 - Title: "Nr. 24" - #Art #Streetart #PhotoArt #Fotografie #Photography #Windows #Streetphotography #Tree #Artist ➡️ #APhotoLove

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Psst 👋 Email Preview for push notifications is coming soon!

Now you can know who is sending you an email before opening your mailbox! 🎉

Here's a sneak peek 🤫
#teaser #ios #android #sneakpeek #privacy #security #linux #macos #windows

This is for all #musicproducer (s) who either already work with #linux or are at least interested in doing so.
We are a group of #linuxaudio users who want to improve Linux #musicproduction.
As a first step, we want to get a better understanding of the Linux music production landscape with a #survey.
You can participate at!
#daw #plugin (s) #mixing #mastering #composition #instrument #effect #macos #windows #crossplatform

#meme #advertisement #windows #Microsoft #fail #os #software

nixCraft 🐧 - 2024-05-02 14:40:16 GMT

I can't believe a paid OS needs a tool like this. Here's a GUI tool called OFGB (Oh Frick Go Back) to remove all the ads in Windows 11. It's understandable if a free OS or app needs ad support, but this is just crazy
Screenshot Of a GUI Tool To Removes Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11

we both know that that's not #Microsoft's trajectory, because if they were smart, they'd already discontinued #Windows, put code into #Wine and instead focussed of #Office365, #Azure and #XboxGamePass...

That being said, I do expect Microsoft to take their experience from the #XboxOneS and start developing basically their reply to #Chromebook with a #ThinClient for #Microsoft365 products...

This is what true enshittification of Windows 11 is, unless you pirate the enterprise version.

This really shows that we need more competition. Linux is not seen as an alternative given the lack of commercial software support (e.g. lack of Adobe apps, which is used in the creative industry, etc, along with apps that only work on Windows and/or Mac).

This is why I use a Mac instead of Windows, because I don't like Windows, but I have a laptop that runs Windows to run a few apps that are Windows only. But only having two viable choices isn’t that great, likewise with iOS and Android.

If only BeOS, OS/2, etc. was still a thing, maybe it wouldn't be this bad.

Also, Windows 7 was the last “good" Windows OS until it basically turned to crap.

#windows #enshittification

#Windows #vulnerability reported by the #NSA exploited to install Russian #malware


When Microsoft patched the vulnerability in October 2022—at least two years after it came under #attack by the Russian hackers—the company made no mention that it was under active exploitation.

#patch #update #exploit #Russia #security #CyberSecurity #news #os #software #hack #hacker

The #performance of the #Windows 11 #StartMenu is ridiculously bad


The Windows 11 Start Menu is comically bad.

This machine has a $1600 Core i9 CPU and 128 GB of RAM and this is the performance I often get.

What is going on in Redmond?

#software #os #microsoft #problem #criticism #news #fail

Y2K failure? Don’t believe the rumor.

#windows #microsoft

Who here wouldn’t want to remove unnecessary apps, save resources, and space on their computers? 🙋🏼

So, whether you just bought yourself a shiny new computer or want to optimize your existing one—@xdadevelopers tells you how the Vivaldi browser (and 9 other apps) can make your experience on Windows even sweeter 👇

#Windows #Tech #Microsoft