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Items tagged with: NEWS

Großbritannien drängt zum Abzug aus dem Libanon und verlegt Truppen nach Zypern Etwa 700 britische Militärangehörige wurden nach Zypern entsandt, um sich auf eine mögliche Evakuierung von Briten aus dem Libanon vorzubereiten. Die britischen Behörden wollen das Chaos vermeiden, das durch den Abzug aus Afghanistan im Jahr 2021 entstanden ist. #news #press

Peskow betrachtet Selenskijs Worte, Russland zum Frieden zwingen zu wollen, als "fatalen Fehler" Es sei unmöglich, Moskau zum Frieden zu zwingen, sagte Putins Pressesprecher Dmitri Peskow. Russland sei für den Frieden, aber "unter der Bedingung, dass es die Grundlagen seiner Sicherheit gewährleistet" und seine Aufgaben erfüllt, erklärte der Kreml-Sprecher. #news #press

Es geht zu Ende: Eine Koalition im Zusammenbruch Es bröckelt an allen Ecken und Enden: Der Rücktritt der Grünen-Chefs Ricarda Lang und Omid Nouripour ist der jüngste Beweis ...
The post Es geht zu Ende: Eine Koalition im Zusammenbruch appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Martin Van Buren ❌
Millard Fillmore ❌
Grover Cleveland ✅
Teddy Roosevelt ❌
Donald Trump 🗳️

A brief #history of ex-presidents running to regain the White House (it generally hasn’t gone well).
@histodons #Histodons #News #USPolitics

Paukenschlag im Wiener Gemeinderat: Misstrauensantrag gegen Stadtrat Hacker! Überbordende Sozialleistungen, pampige Antworten: Im heutigen Wiener Gemeinderat fordern ÖVP und FPÖ den amtierenden Stadtrat Peter Hacker (SPÖ) mit einem Misstrauensantrag zum Rücktritt auf. #news #press

Papst warnt vor Pornografie und Satanismus (David Berger) Bei seiner 500. Generalaudienz am heutigen 25. September hat Papst Franziskus Pornografie als ein Werk des Teufels verurteilt und die Christen aufgefordert, diese und andere Versuchungen aus dem Internet abzulehnen.
Der Beitrag Papst warnt vor Pornografie und Satanismus erschien zuerst auf Philosophia Perennis. #news #press

Jan Böhmermann warnt in Song vor AfD: „Faschismus is back“ Jan Böhmermann hat einen neuen Song veröffentlicht. Mit „Faschismus is back“ versucht der ZDF-Moderator, die Nation im „Kampf gegen Rechts“ wachzurütteln. Der ...
The post Jan Böhmermann warnt in Song vor AfD: „Faschismus is back“ appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Medienbericht: Billiges ukrainisches Getreide ruiniert deutsche Bauern Unkontrollierte Lieferungen von billigem Getreide aus der Ukraine, kombiniert mit extremen Preisschwankungen, ruinieren zusehends die deutschen Landwirte, berichtet die Bild-Zeitung unter Berufung auf Branchenkreise. #news #press

Hurricane #Helene is threatening more than just the Florida coast – the North Carolina mountains are expecting heavy rain and flash flooding as the storm moves through.

Quick explainer on why hurricanes pose risks in the mountains, too:

#news #environment

"I think the next logical jump on that is like [...] “Okay, and we’re also going to show you content that’s generated by an AI system that might be something that you’re interested in.”"

This is great, actually. We're soon going to be free from the oppression of social media.


#news #TechNews #technology #meta #facebook #threads #AI #SocialMedia

Mark Zuckerberg basically just confirmed that your feeds will soon be full of AI-generated content. Another reason the fediverse needs to exist: so that you can follow humans.

CEO of Meta, which recently joined the newly founded #SocialWebFoundation, suggests that there is "no causal connection" between social media and teen mental health.

#news #TechNews #SocialMedia #MentalHealth #meta #facebook #threads #zuckerberg

Er hält noch ein Messer in der Hand: Dieser Mann soll 57-Jährigen in München totgeprügelt haben Gewaltausbruch am Alten Botanischen Garten, mitten im Herzen Münchens: Dort ist ein Mann am helllichten Tag totgeprügelt worden, die Polizei fahndet nun nach dem mutmaßlichen Täter. #news #press

"Russia plans to destroy three nuclear power plants and their infrastructure to disconnect them from the power grid"
- President Zelensky

"And if, God forbid, Russia triggers a nuclear disaster at one of our nuclear power plants - radiation does not respect state borders and, unfortunately, different countries may feel the devastating consequences," the President said during a speech at the UN General Assembly.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky

UFO Downed By Fighter Jet

Photo shows UFO hovering over CANADA in 2023 before it was shot down by US fighter jet
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline


Where will the up to 2 million Gaza residents return to - nothing but rubble remains.

IDF fighters at the entrance of the former court in Gaza.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #iran #hezbollah #Lebanon #BreakingNews #Breaking

Reading this article I blew a big raspberry and then snorted at Pierre Poilievre's Promise. Once again 3P makes a campaign speech in Parliament yet provides zero plans to make his Dreamland come true. He is once again all bluster and bullshit.

"Poilievre makes case for taking down the government to restore 'promise of Canada'
Bloc Québécois and NDP have already said they will not support non-confidence motion"

#News #PierrePoilievre #Canpoli

Damage, destruction and fear along the Israel-Lebanon border


#Israel #Lebanon #Hezbollah #military #conflict #news #MiddleEast

During #Brazil’s worst #drought, #wildfires rage and the #Amazon River falls to a record low


#fire #wildfire #climate #environment #Problem #news

“Our #LGBTQ+ loved ones need both our compassion and our action to make our communities safe and our laws inclusive, so every LGBTQ+ person can be safe, celebrated, affirmed and loved everywhere in the U.S.”

Hate crimes, particularly against LGBTQ community, on the rise: FBI data - ABC News

(corrected URL)

#news #homophobia #transphobia #politics #USpol #extremism #CriminalJustice

Is #history repeating itself in #Lebanon?

“The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 had its roots in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict, much as the fighting between Hezbollah and Israel does today.”

And at that time, the Israeli ground invasion resulted only in catastrophic results for all concerned – and set the stage for the founding and growth of Hezbollah, according to a professor of Middle East Studies.

#news #Israel #Histodons @histodons

Pennsylvania – known since the 1800s as the “Keystone State” – because of its central status has received a lot of love this election cycle.

But why is Pennsylvania so important?

A political scientist breaks down Harris’ and Trump’s possible routes to victory:
#USPolitics #Election2024 #News


Iran has informed Hezbollah that right now is not the right time to start an all-out war.

In addition, Hezbollah asked Iran to attack Israel, but according to the report, Iran refused.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews

#News Satellite images show Russian setbacks: Arms depots hit by Ukraine and a failed missile test

#Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to #Gaza, Two #Government Bodies Concluded.

Antony Blinken Rejected Them.

Blinken told #Congress, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting” aid, even though the U.S. Agency for International Development and others had determined that Israel had broken the #law.

#News #Palestine #HumanitarianAid #Biden #Blinken #War

"News of Roberts’s alleged comments to colleagues comes as #Trump, the #Republican nominee for president, & his running mate, #JDVance, have engaged in a #racist & false #propaganda campaign to demonize #Haitian immigrants living in Springfield, #Ohio, by claiming that they have been killing & eating people’s #pets. The xenophobic claims... have incited multiple bomb threats that have disrupted the #Springfield community."

#GOP #Lies #TrumpLies #Republicans #News #USA

"The man behind #Project2025 ... told university colleagues about two decades ago that he had killed a neighborhood #dog with a shovel...

Kevin Roberts, now the president of the #HeritageFoundation... told colleagues & dinner guests that he killed a neighbor’s #pitbull around 2004 while he was working as a still relatively unknown #history professor at #NewMexico State University."

#Republicans #Kill #Dogs #GOP #Politics #USPol #USA #News

“Conflicts Are Multiplying”: U.N. Chief Warns of #World at #War as General #Assembly Kicks Off


Secretary-General António Guterres: “Conflicts are raging and multiplying, from the #MiddleEast to #Ukraine and #Sudan, with no end in sight. Our collective security system is threatened by geopolitical divides, nuclear posturing and the development of new weapons and theaters of war. Resources that could bring opportunities and hope are invested in death and destruction.”

#conflict #military #politics #uno #news #future #diplomacy #weapon #peace

NPR: The cutting-edge technology makes it easier for Russia as well as Iran to quickly and more convincingly tailor polarizing content aimed at swaying American voters, intelligence officials said.#news #NPR
#News #npr


Russian sailors from the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier have been sent to fight in Ukraine.

The aircraft carrier has not been on active duty for eight years, and it is increasingly unlikely that it will ever go on duty.

The Kuznetsov's crew members were at least partially used to form a Fregat battalion within the Russian 1st Guards Tank Army.

This highlights Russia's lack of soldiers - they are all dead!
#AureFreePress #News #press

Trump's Disrespect of Women

Trump Rages at Female Voters in Epic Rants Amid Sudden New Poll Drop

As an NBC survey shows Trump slipping further with women, a writer who closely covers the abortion debate explains how Trump may be driving them away more aggressively than we thought.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump


Gives Immigrants 'numbers' like Jews in holocaust concentration camps!

Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump


After a MAGA generated high of $79 per share, Donald Trump's DJT stock continues its free fall as stocks fell to $12.18 per share Monday.

With quarterly losses of tens of millions of dollars, the real value of DJT should be labeled as a penny stock.

Actually, the stock should be de-listed!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #MAGA #BreakingNews #Breaking