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Items tagged with: Future

The Long, Strange #History of ‘Manifesting’


It is only by understanding the religious and occult tradition from which the concept of manifesting descends that we can see it for what it truly is: a spiritualized gloss on the same deluded logic that suggests that #poverty is a choice, and that underpins so much political #disinformation. After all, if reality is only ever what we make it, then those who possess the fewest scruples about conforming to the truth are the ones who will have the most power to shape the #future.

#manifesting #usa #religion #life #manipulation #news

Does the greatest danger to humanity come from those who deny climate change or from those who accept it but push ahead with policies as if it didn't exist?

#climate #question #humanity #future #policy #system #ethics

‘Most of it was #dead’: scientists discover one of #GreatBarrierReef’s worst #coral #bleaching events


Flying a drone over the same section of reef earlier this month to match the images, Williamson said: “At least 97% of the corals had died over those three months.

#environment #sea #ocean #problem #nature #climate #future #science #Australia #news

Should we discuss with #Trump voters?

Anyone who still hasn't understood why Trump is not a suitable president after one phase of Trump's administration will probably never understand. Personally, I rarely have enough crayons with me to explain why Trump is a bad president.

#USA #election #vote #president #whitehouse #government #democracy #politics #future

#Analysis: What record #global heat means for breaching the 1.5C #warming limit


There is no #action, just promises. As long as #fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest #fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.

#news #fuel #heat #heatwave #earth #climate #environment #future #nature #emissions #co2

#Heat exposure during #pregnancy can lead to a lifetime of #health problems


#news #heatwave #future #climate #environment #baby

No, You Don’t Have the Power to Stop #Climate #Change


The big, pathway-determining climate decisions will be made by politicians in Jakarta, by public utility officials in #SãoPaulo, by oil company executives in #Dubai, and, most of all, by cabinet ministers in #NewDelhi and Politburo members in #Beijing. People that we have near-zero leverage over.

#politics #news #future #poverty #nature #earth #environment #emissions

The war on friction


The tech giants believe they should control the interface. Controlling the interface used to mean controlling the distribution. The zero-click vision that’s increasingly taking hold will mean publishers and their webpages are regarded as friction standing in the way of people getting what they want immediately, without wading through full-screen interstitial ads, endless pop-ups and autoplay video. That’s going to be a compelling proposition. It will also conveniently accrue all power to the interface and relegate publishers to content vendors.

#news #future #technology #internet #AI #content #economy #software

#Apple #Intelligence - #AI


#Siri #os #software #news #future #iPhone #technology #privacy #cloud #iOS

In the vast expanse of a twilight desert, a lone figure stands as an enigma of the future.
#aiart #ai #art #future

Corporations invested in #carbon offsets that were ‘likely junk’, analysis says


#Delta, #Gucci, #Volkswagen, #ExxonMobil, #Disney, #easyJet and #Nestlé are among the major corporations to have purchased millions of carbon credits from #climate friendly projects that are “likely junk” or worthless when it comes to offsetting their #greenhouse gas #emissions, according to a classification #system developed by Corporate Accountability, a non-profit, transnational corporate watchdog.

So the capitalists really don't give a shit about anything for short-term #profit, even if #humanity is destroyed in the process.

#environment #news #scam #politics #co2 #fail #capitalism #economy #future #finance #society #problem #humanrights #earth

#Capitalism like #degeneracy in late #Rome

According to rumors, which are difficult to prove historically, Roman decadence is said to have gone so far that rich Romans vomited in order to empty their stomachs between courses with delicacies.

This is exactly how today's capitalism seems to me, in which the super-rich fly around the world in their private jets or engage in space tourism regardless of climate change. They celebrate parties with high emissions, pay hardly any taxes, while the majority of people are already struggling to survive.

The best example of this for myself is Elon #Musk and Donald #Trump, who apparently believe they can do anything with #money.

#finance #economy #politics #future #humanity #earth #emissions #climate #problem #metaphor

"Humanity will only be truly happy when all people have the souls of artists, in other words, when everyone enjoys their work."

Until now, my #utopia was based on all humans becoming artists and dedicating themselves to art, while AI does the boring monotonous work for us.

However, today's AI is already busy generating images and imitating art styles. A new generation is now growing up that is getting inspiration from AI and in the future it will hardly be possible to say how much of a piece of art contains AI. Just as the new generation has forgotten how to read maps because of navigation apps, there is a danger that humanity will forget how to be creative and create new art.

#future #humanity #art #artwork #problem #technology #AI #creativity #artist