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Items tagged with: naturephotography

Für mich eines der besten Makrobilder die ich je gemacht habe. Zwei Moos-Halme die jeweils einen Tautropfen an der geneigten Spitze haben.

Das Foto stammt aus dem Jahr 2020

#makro #macro #nature #naturephotography #fotografie #photography

After a years long break I finally went out snorkling again, it was cold and windy, the water was murky, and I was barely able to got my wetsuit off afterwards. 😂
But I did find a stone of flint, that looks like it may have been hacked to be sharp on the bottom, so by my standards it was a success! 🥳

@nature @photography

#Snorkling #InMy #Summer #Wonderland #NaturePhotography #Nature #Photography
#Southern #Finland #Åland #Jomala #Möckelö

Courtship behaviour among the gannet colony at Bempton Cliffs in Yorkshire, a spectacular location for seabird photography.
#photography #birds #seabirds #NaturePhotography

Guten Morgen, ich war bis 2 auf einer Geburtstagsparty, habe bei einer Freundin übernachtet. Auf dem Heimweg habe ich die menschenleeren Straßen genossen und ein bisschen rumfotografiert.
Habt einen schönen Sonntag! (Und vergesst das Wählen mit Bedacht nicht!😎)

#landscape #photography #nature #naturephotography

I've been a little absent from Masto for a while and I just noticed that I missed it. Our lovely creative exchanges. I've been in Japan for a couple of weeks and will be here for almost a couple more, and travel does what travel does. Brings magic, but not in the ways I might have expected, but that's how magic works, right? It does what it will.

#Japan #NaturePhotography #BlackAndWhite #MacroPhotography #Photography

This little beauty is a Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata). We had not cut the grass in the garden at all this year to allow it to be a bit wild. The benefit has been the huge number of different insects. Insects are a key part in the food chain for birds.
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #dragonfly

En kväll for man ut för att ligga på lur utanför ett aktivt gryt i hopp om att få se en räv sticka ut.

Men istället fick man en grävling på bild.

#nature #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #canon

Hey Mastadon, giving this place a try :)

First an #introduction, my name is Murray and I'm a #photographer practicing #landscapephotography and #naturephotography in the #uk & #scotland although I'm originally from #southafrica ! I spend the majority of my time out in #nature #hiking , #camping , guiding workshops, and producing short films.

If you want to see more, feel free to follow along here or check out my website!

Meet the five species of flying-foxes that call Australia home…

Flying-foxes are a common sight around Australia, but did you know they are also vital pollinators? 🦇

They can travel up to 500km in a 48-hour period in search of food and spread pollen and disperse seeds in the process!

#ausgeo #australia #seeaustralia #flyingfox #bat #nature #wildlife ##animals #conservation #wildlifeconservation #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #flower
#environment #academia #research #academicchatter #biodiversity #ecology #rewilding #biology #nature #wildlife

I see that you (m. lyon) mostly boost other people's photos, but today I saw a photo by you, boosted by Tori Yamashu @toriyamashu
Actually if it's a painting, a photo or an altered photo, all good. I mostly alter my nature photos

But here is a photo not changed into a painting, water on green leaves
In #Osaka, seems we got an early #rainyseason

#japanphotography #naturephotography

Some lichen finds, plus (what I think might be) a slime mould

* Various crustose species on the back of a gravestone
* Slime mould (?) that appeared within a few minutes of wetting this old gate beam
* Patterns on lichen on an old wooden seat
* A cladonia species growing amongst moss on an old wooden fence

#LichenSubscribe #Lichen #SlimeMold #MacroPhotography #Macro #Nature #NaturePhotography

Ever since starting my journey as a watercolor painter a year and a half ago, I have taken my camera out a lot less.

A few mornings ago, I caught dewdrops on my tomato plants, so I decided to spend some time taking photos of those beauties.

#photography #macrophotography #naturephotography #nature


I mentioned walls of moss, but I am tragically unable to choose just one picture worth my delight at this short but intensely mossy path. You can breathe the green just looking at the pictures.

#Mosstodon #Moss #Mousse #NaturePhotography