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Items tagged with: NEWS

"The 1973 musical “The Rocky Horror Show,” immortalized in the 1975 film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” is getting a side-scrolling video game adaptation."
#weirdnews #weird #news #odd

#Florida residents who choose to ride out #Helene told to write name, information on arm. Here are the details


In a social #media post, the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office - Division of #Emergency Management encouraged residents to write their names, birthdays and important information on an arm or leg in a permanent marker so that they can “be identified and family notified.”

#hurricane #danger #warning #usa #news #weather #storm

Welcome to this week's #News #quiz – go 8 for 8 and award yourself a gold star ⭐

First question is about current vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz. He was elected governor of Minnesota as a member of what political party?

Check your answer and try the whole quiz:

  • Republican Party (2%, 2 votes)
  • Democratic Party (43%, 37 votes)
  • Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (52%, 45 votes)
  • Communist-Socialist-Marxist Party (1%, 1 vote)
85 voters. Poll end: in 1 day

📣 It's been a while since we've federated a batch of publishers — so to make up for it, here are 250, and they're big ones.

Today, we're bringing names like @abc, @RollingStone, @forbes, @BleacherReport, @NationalGeographic and @newyorktimes to the fediverse. They join the 174 profiles we've already federated, which include everyone from @19thnews to @Vox

Here's a blogpost with more details on this latest batch of publications that cover news, business, cooking, home design, politics, sports, science and more. Follow their Magazine feeds if you're only interested in one topic, or their whole profiles if you want the lot. The spreadsheet below lists out all federated accounts.

#Flipboard #Federation #SpreadMastodon #ActivityPub #Media #Publishers #Journalism #News #Politics #Sports #Entertainment #Food #Lifestyle #Science

Meta, which recently joined the newly founded #SocialWebFoundation, "cut 21,000 jobs, including in trust and safety and customer service, over multiple rounds of layoffs", leading state and local officials "puzzled by what to expect from Facebook" around voting misinformation.

#news #TechNews #SocialMedia #meta #facebook

15 #cybercrime statistics you ought to know


It’s a battle for individuals and smaller companies just as much as it is for big organisations; as the digital space is expanding and as #AI is impacting our everyday lives, hackers are getting more inventive every day. And, if you’re not convinced that cybercrime is going to be an issue in your life, the statistics below will change your mind.

With the security quality of our software, the internet is only running because it is more profitable for cybercriminals to keep the internet running for ramsonware attacks.

#security #cybersecurity #digital #internet #ransomware #future #economy #news #technology #software #problem #finance #money #costs #crime

CEO of Meta, which recently joined the newly founded #SocialWebFoundation, thinks that "individual creators or publishers tend to overestimate the value of their specific content".

#news #TechNews #SocialMedia #meta #facebook #threads #zuckerberg #AI

Ottawa considering lower threshold for issuing alerts on foreign interference, inquiry hears

"Sutherland said the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol Panel has started its work leading up to the next election and has already met five times. The Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections (SITE) task force is already up and operating, he added."

#News #Elections #CanPoli #Politics

X blocks links to hacked JD Vance dossier #news

#EricAdams is NYC’s first mayor to be charged with a crime, but he's hardly the only politician to run afoul of rules that govern raising and spending funds in elections.

And if history shows anything it's this: Campaign finance violations are often just the first chapter in a much wilder story.

#news #uspolitics #nyc #election #history

#LAPD raid goes from bad to farce after #gun allegedly sucked onto MRI machine


At one point, an officer walked into an MRI room, past a sign warning that metal was prohibited inside, with his rifle “dangling… in his right hand, with an unsecured strap,” the #lawsuit said. The MRI machine’s magnetic force then allegedly sucked his #rifle across the room, pinning it against the machine. MRI machines are tube-shaped scanners that use incredibly strong magnetic fields to create images of the brain, bones, joints and other internal organs.

#police #raid #usa #la #fail #news

Despite Persistent Warnings, #Texas Rushed to Remove Millions From #Medicaid. That Move Cost Eligible Residents Care.

The decision to buck federal #government guidelines was one of many that led to serious repercussions for Texas residents who rely on Medicaid. Among them were #children forced to forgo or postpone lifesaving operations, #doctors say.

#News #Healthcare #Health #ACA #Covid #Pandemic #Insurance #PublicHealth

"Kushner’s firm creates #conflicts of interest, particularly w/his father-in-law running for re-election.

...asked why Affinity Partners had not “distributed a penny of earnings back to clients”...

“Affinity’s investors may not be motivated by commercial considerations but rather the opportunity to funnel #foreign #government money to members of Trump’s family, namely #JaredKushner & Ivanka #Trump

#GOP #Corruption #Politics #Republicans #US #USPol #Election2024 #News

"at least 99% of the roughly $3 billion invested came from overseas sources, including $2 billion from the #Saudi government’s Public Investment Fund.

Most of the rest of the money comes from the sovereign wealth funds of #Qatar and the #UnitedArabEmirates, as well as a chunk from Terry Gou, the #Taiwanese billionaire and founder of Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics contract manufacturer.

But there is a fifth “mystery foreign investor Affinity has declined to identify”"

#News #USPol

Media: What’s your plan to do X? Be specific!

Harris: We will do X Y and Z.

Media: Wow, so no specifics?

#Harris: We will do X1, X2, Y5-7, and Z10.

#Media: Okay but without the Senate you can’t do that so what’s your plan?

Harris: Win the Senate?

Media: But you won’t so what’s your plan?

Harris: Executive action where I can?

Media: the Courts will block it so what’s your plan? No specifics?

Love, an unsatisfiable moving target. 🎯

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #news #journalism

Forecasters are warning of extremely dangerous 10- to 20-foot storm surge in Florida's Big Bend region as Hurricane #Helene arrives.

A meteorologist explains what storm surge is:

#stormupdate #helene2024 #florida #news

Congressman Waltz Says ‘About 20’ Shipyards Left in US, Down From 300 in Early 1980s WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Congressman Michael Waltz said on Wednesday that only about 20 shipyards remain in the United States compared to nearly 1000 at the end of World War II and more than 300 in the early 80s. #news #press

Großbritannien drängt zum Abzug aus dem Libanon und verlegt Truppen nach Zypern Etwa 700 britische Militärangehörige wurden nach Zypern entsandt, um sich auf eine mögliche Evakuierung von Briten aus dem Libanon vorzubereiten. Die britischen Behörden wollen das Chaos vermeiden, das durch den Abzug aus Afghanistan im Jahr 2021 entstanden ist. #news #press

Peskow betrachtet Selenskijs Worte, Russland zum Frieden zwingen zu wollen, als "fatalen Fehler" Es sei unmöglich, Moskau zum Frieden zu zwingen, sagte Putins Pressesprecher Dmitri Peskow. Russland sei für den Frieden, aber "unter der Bedingung, dass es die Grundlagen seiner Sicherheit gewährleistet" und seine Aufgaben erfüllt, erklärte der Kreml-Sprecher. #news #press

Es geht zu Ende: Eine Koalition im Zusammenbruch Es bröckelt an allen Ecken und Enden: Der Rücktritt der Grünen-Chefs Ricarda Lang und Omid Nouripour ist der jüngste Beweis ...
The post Es geht zu Ende: Eine Koalition im Zusammenbruch appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Martin Van Buren ❌
Millard Fillmore ❌
Grover Cleveland ✅
Teddy Roosevelt ❌
Donald Trump 🗳️

A brief #history of ex-presidents running to regain the White House (it generally hasn’t gone well).
@histodons #Histodons #News #USPolitics

Paukenschlag im Wiener Gemeinderat: Misstrauensantrag gegen Stadtrat Hacker! Überbordende Sozialleistungen, pampige Antworten: Im heutigen Wiener Gemeinderat fordern ÖVP und FPÖ den amtierenden Stadtrat Peter Hacker (SPÖ) mit einem Misstrauensantrag zum Rücktritt auf. #news #press

Papst warnt vor Pornografie und Satanismus (David Berger) Bei seiner 500. Generalaudienz am heutigen 25. September hat Papst Franziskus Pornografie als ein Werk des Teufels verurteilt und die Christen aufgefordert, diese und andere Versuchungen aus dem Internet abzulehnen.
Der Beitrag Papst warnt vor Pornografie und Satanismus erschien zuerst auf Philosophia Perennis. #news #press

Jan Böhmermann warnt in Song vor AfD: „Faschismus is back“ Jan Böhmermann hat einen neuen Song veröffentlicht. Mit „Faschismus is back“ versucht der ZDF-Moderator, die Nation im „Kampf gegen Rechts“ wachzurütteln. Der ...
The post Jan Böhmermann warnt in Song vor AfD: „Faschismus is back“ appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Medienbericht: Billiges ukrainisches Getreide ruiniert deutsche Bauern Unkontrollierte Lieferungen von billigem Getreide aus der Ukraine, kombiniert mit extremen Preisschwankungen, ruinieren zusehends die deutschen Landwirte, berichtet die Bild-Zeitung unter Berufung auf Branchenkreise. #news #press

Hurricane #Helene is threatening more than just the Florida coast – the North Carolina mountains are expecting heavy rain and flash flooding as the storm moves through.

Quick explainer on why hurricanes pose risks in the mountains, too:

#news #environment

"I think the next logical jump on that is like [...] “Okay, and we’re also going to show you content that’s generated by an AI system that might be something that you’re interested in.”"

This is great, actually. We're soon going to be free from the oppression of social media.


#news #TechNews #technology #meta #facebook #threads #AI #SocialMedia

Mark Zuckerberg basically just confirmed that your feeds will soon be full of AI-generated content. Another reason the fediverse needs to exist: so that you can follow humans.

CEO of Meta, which recently joined the newly founded #SocialWebFoundation, suggests that there is "no causal connection" between social media and teen mental health.

#news #TechNews #SocialMedia #MentalHealth #meta #facebook #threads #zuckerberg

Er hält noch ein Messer in der Hand: Dieser Mann soll 57-Jährigen in München totgeprügelt haben Gewaltausbruch am Alten Botanischen Garten, mitten im Herzen Münchens: Dort ist ein Mann am helllichten Tag totgeprügelt worden, die Polizei fahndet nun nach dem mutmaßlichen Täter. #news #press

"Russia plans to destroy three nuclear power plants and their infrastructure to disconnect them from the power grid"
- President Zelensky

"And if, God forbid, Russia triggers a nuclear disaster at one of our nuclear power plants - radiation does not respect state borders and, unfortunately, different countries may feel the devastating consequences," the President said during a speech at the UN General Assembly.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky

UFO Downed By Fighter Jet

Photo shows UFO hovering over CANADA in 2023 before it was shot down by US fighter jet
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline


Where will the up to 2 million Gaza residents return to - nothing but rubble remains.

IDF fighters at the entrance of the former court in Gaza.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #iran #hezbollah #Lebanon #BreakingNews #Breaking