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Items tagged with: SocialMedia

What would you do if the Fediverse/ActivityPub were to suddenly disappear?

#Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

  • I would go to Threads (6%, 11 votes)
  • I’d go to Twitter/X (2%, 4 votes)
  • I would code a new one (15%, 26 votes)
  • I’d go to Bluesky/build on ATProto (17%, 30 votes)
  • Nostr or Farcaster (1%, 3 votes)
  • Like an asteroid would hit earth? Like water would not be wet? Not possible (56%, 95 votes)
169 voters. Poll end: in 4 weeks

The vibes on Threads have been shifted. The For you feed brings up negative and controversial posts. Unsurpisingly no such negativity exists on my chronological feeds on Mastodon.

#SocialWeb #SocialMedia #Threads

Are you enjoying Mastodon? #mastodon #socialmedia

  • YES (100%, 25 votes)
  • NO (0%, 0 votes)
25 voters. Poll end: in 3 days

Woah, this is… big(?). “Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because it was becoming another Twitter”

He left #Twitter, then #BlueSky, and now endorsing #Nostr… but still not the #Fediverse.

#SNS #SocialMedia #ActivityPub #ATproto

#SocialMedia ist asozial: Darum boomen Dumbphones bei #GenZ

Zukunftsforscher Tristan Horx und Soziologieprofessorin Katja Rost sehen im zunehmenden Trend der #Dumbphones ein klares Signal gegen die digitale Dauerbeschallung. Und eine Chance, 👉 soziale Medien kritisch zu hinterfragen.

𝙷𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚋 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚉 🫶

The Fediverse is emerging as a hub for the wider social web.

You can see our thoughts about it and what we're doing to welcome it on the thread below 👇

#fediverse #socialmedia #threads #bluesky

Here's Jack's reply to the stir he's caused with his recent interview. Posted 10 minutes ago on Nostr.

Seems to be hanging out with Elon now...? Or at least just copying his mindset.🤦‍♂️

#JackDorsey #SocialMedia

Nice review of the evidence for banning phones in schools. This reviews huge studies across numerous countries. The big takeaway: there’s no effect on children’s outcomes. According to the latest evidence, cell phone bans don’t work.

#Psychology #SocialMedia #smartphones #phoneBans #childmentalhealth #mentalhealth

Former CEO of Twitter wanted to build a social protocol no-one can control, like SMTP or HTTP for social media. Bluesky’s ATProto was supposed to be an open source protocol that Twitter could eventually utilize, but then Musk happened and Bluesky started taking it to the wrong direction and everything fell apart in Dorsey’s mind.

A very revealing interview. I now see even more future in W3C’s ActivityPub.

#ActivityPub #JackDorsey #Bluesky #Twitter #X #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

Content warning: Interview with Jack Dorsey about the #birdsite, #Bluesky (yuk) and social media

😳I just had a WEIRD as hell experience!

So I saw a post boosted to my timeline from someone who claimed to be a writer. So I googled their name cause I wanted to see their credits. Ended up seeing their BlueSky profile in the list of results, clicked on it...and my "dead" BlueSky account is blocked by them there and I'm not blocked here on my MUCH more active account..

Do people actually go out of their way to block users that don't even interact with them there? Seems kinda odd.😬

#BlueSky #SocialMedia #Weird

It's misleading to use the word "restrict" when they're allowing AI to use the content in the first place....I smell Reddit inflitrating news sources....😳

From: @Techmeme

#Reddit #AI #SocialMedia

Landgericht verurteilt AfD-Politikerin: Volksverhetzung auf Facebook

Das Landgericht Verden hat die AfD-Politikerin Marie-Thérèse Kaiser wegen Volksverhetzung verurteilt. Anlass war ein rassistischer Post auf Facebook.#AfDNiedersachsen #SocialMedia #Volksverhetzung #Urteil #AlternativefürDeutschlandAfD #Nord #Schwerpunkt
Landgericht verurteilt AfD-Politikerin: Volksverhetzung auf Facebook


Bluesky: "Hard to sustain a company like this without ads in todays world"

Threads: "You could imagine an extension to the protocol eventually — [...] ‘hey, feel free to show me ads [...]"

Fediverse: "We're going to make a #Mastodon plushie and it's going to be very cute!"

#threads #bluesky #fediverse #SocialMedia #ads #FediverseSustainability

The fucking ignorance on Threads is fucking laughable.🤣🤣 This man just called me a "Fediverse Stan account"

Un-fucking-believable!🙄🙄🙄Everyone, point and laugh at the idiot!🤣

Edit: He blocked me!!!🤣🤣🤣

#Fedi #Fediverse #SocialMedia #Threads #Meta #Ignorance #Mastodon #ActivityPub

„Sephora-Kids“: Anti-Aging für Achtjährige #Gesellschaft #SocialMedia #Gesundheit #Top-Thema #Kinder #Neu

If anyone is exploring #Nostr, we're there now, too: #fediverse #SocialMedia

If you have a #EyeEm account, please read this and delete your photos one by one, then your account by May 1st or your photos are going to be sold to AI models.

I didn't realize that they were bankrupt and then sold off. They used to be a nice alternative that crashed and burned. I went ahead and deleted my account today.

#photography #app #SocialMedia

Pro-meat and climate crisis misinformation rife on social media, says report

"Misinformation on social media doesn't happen in a vacuum,” said Haughton-Boakes. “It seeps into the real world. And it does have real-world implications for policy debates.”

#News #ClimateCrisis #Internet #SocialMedia #Misinformation

Life After X: Journos Who Ditched Elon Musk’s Twitter Speak Out

#SocialMedia #X #Twitter #Journalists #Journalism #Xitter

Die #SocialMedia Konzernfixierung meines Haussenders geht mir schon lange auf den Sack. Sie denken ihre News nicht zu Ende, sondern nur bis zum nächsten #Datensilo und kümmern sich nicht um die Konsequenzen ihres Handelns. Und wenn nicht einmal der Hausexperte #JörgSchieb im #Fediverse zu finden ist, ist auch irgendwie klar wie weit die Expertise reicht... Wofür genau, hält sich die ARD eigentlich eine #Mastodon Instanz?

@malte #ÖRR @OeRR_bewegen

This is a great article by professor Nir Eisikovits, but I think he could have dove deeper. Agreed that media literacy is a problem, but I think it's more pervasive than people consuming "news" through social media, rather the question becomes: Why did people turn to social media to consume news? That question is at the core of the problem of media literacy and critical thinking in the U.S.


#SocialMedia #News #TikTok

Source |

"Influencer marketing has become big business on #TikTok and #Instagram, where popular creators can make good money by helping brands promote their stuff. Now, #LinkedIn wants in the game...Its product, called Thought Leader ads, launched in a limited capacity last year."

Corporate social media is overrun by "influencers" who say great things about the free stuff that the get from other companies. They hawk the warez of others to keep on the good side of companies to keep getting free stuff.

"Thought Leaders" are unnecessary, why do we need someone to lead our thoughts? Who are these egotistical people who think that they can lead our thoughts? If you specialize in an area, stop trying to be a thought leader and be a contributor and a collaborator.

I'm so glad the #Fediverse doesn't have MAU targets or advertising sales targets to meet. I am so happy that we are free of those shills on corporate social media.

#socialmedia #socialnetwork #thoughtleader

Abso-fuckin-lutely! Idk how they're calling this "decentralized". Then only thing that's decentralized is your profile info and follow relationships...🤦‍♂️

#BlueSky #SocialMedia #Decentralized

Elon Musk declared he wouldn’t comply with orders from Brazil’s Supreme Court to ban far-right accounts involved in an attempted coup.

It shows how Musk uses Twitter to amplify fascism, but also why many countries are increasingly fed up with unaccountable US tech firms.

#tech #elonmusk #brazil #brasil #twitter #socialmedia

Mastodon already has a few tickets open to show "Followed by ... and n others you follow" when browsing people's profiles, eg:

I wonder if it would also be useful to show "Blocked by ... and n others you follow". 🤔

#mastodon #fediverse
#SocialMedia #FeatureSuggestion