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Politics drives knowledge sharing across the Fediverse, Bluesky & Threads.

The team at The Newsmast Foundation are excited to share new, original research on the social web, communities, and how we all fit together!

There’s a summary below 👇 or read the full report here:

#fediverse #socialmedia #threads #bluesky #socialweb #tech

C'est incroyable comme le temps passe vite ! Déjà plus d'un an sur Mastodon, que de belles rencontres et discussions passionnantes 🤖🚀 #mastodon #socialmedia

TikTok users worry about losing their social media platform, but First Amendment rights are on the line, too. There's a good argument for free speech protection of TikTok and its owners in this case, writes 2 law professors.
Imagine if the government told Jeff Bezos that he had to sell The Washington Post because it was worried that he might push a particular agenda.
Courts have long ruled that that sort of worry about future problems is unconstitutional:

Hmm, seit ziemlich genau zwei Wochen verliert @heiseonline kontinuierlich Follower. 😕 Das hatten wir noch nie. In Summe sind jetzt schon etwa 1000 weg. Irgendjemand irgendeine Idee, woran das liegen könnte? Wir machen ja überhaupt nichts anders.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialMedia

Created this after reading conversation in comments below some tech article somewhere. Someone mentioned "surfing the #internet sewer" and I really liked that phrase.

#drawing #comic #krita #web #surveillance #google #SocialMedia #enshittification #privacy #adblocker #ads

I actually have no idea how many boosts and favs some of the most successful posts get here in the Fediverse, because my instance shows a fraction of them no matter how successful they are. But guess what? I don’t care! It’s the best part here, to effectively unlearn that like-craving social media trait.

Everyone likes ”likes”, but in here it happens in our own terms and overall the metrics don’t really matter in the end.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

So, with all the major platforms going to $h1t as they chase the AI hype $$ dragon...

How safe is the stuff we post on #mastodon from data scraping?

I mean, I think there's probably no way to safeguard against it at this point, but for now I don't feel great about posting eg. WIP lyrics and stuff like that on meta platforms, seeing as they have made it clear they WILL be scraping all your posts.

#socialmedia #ai

Well...maybe Nostr isn't so great...

Can't get much engagement there. Even offered to pay for engagement like those corporate social media sites and nothing....😑🤦‍♂️

#Nostr #SocialMedia

So, @verge and @404mediaco want to federate their site. The articles would then be accessible directly in the #Fediverse, e.g. in a #Mastodon-Feed.

But why? I'd really like to collect arguments for this. What would the advantages for, say @heiseonline be? Please share and comment!

Why publishers are preparing to federate their sites - Digiday

#SocialMedia #Federation #News

Facebook just took down roughly 100 pages and profiles for violating the site's rules that prohibit “militarized social movement,” including militia groups that take personal responsibility for defending their communities from a variety of perceived threats.

These 100 pages are just a tiny fraction of the thousands of militia groups Facebook has previously kicked off the site, supposedly permanently.
#USPolitics #extremism #socialmedia

@damemagazine talks about a burgeoning, exploitative brand of social media content where influencers involve unhoused people in their pranks.

#NewstodonFriday #News #Influencers #SocialMedia

Yesterday, we published a blog post authored by our co-founder @michael

It's a really candid look at what we imagine the future can be for Fedi and how Newsmast and the Newsmast Foundation fit into it.

If you're interested, you can see the full thing on our website here:

#SocialMedia #Tech #SocialWeb #Fediverse #Mastodon

In the latest episode of his podcast #SearchEngine @pjvogt talks about how #Google might soon destroy many #news websites:

Guest @caseynewton makes the case, that the #Fediverse might save the "good internet".

But both are just scratching the surface and PJ later asks the listeners, if he should make an episode about the Fediverse. I would really like to hear that. But with whom as guest/expert? @mike?@tchambers? @reckless1280?

#Mastodon #SocialMedia #Threads

I believe many #Tech execs (& many of their enablers) are evil & diabolical, & they only care about their bottom line, esp. #Zuck, #Musk, #Altman...:

"Paul Graham wrote an essay in 2010 about how the best founders are naughty because they break the rules.

Then he has an interesting anecdote about Sam Altman...

Interesting lens through which to view why OpenAI keeps showing up in the news for doing obviously bad things."

#AI #SocialMedia #Media #SurveillanceCapitalism #Spyware

If you’ve been following us, you’ll know that we’re big on the Fediverse.

It was incredibly important for us to create an instance and provide everyone with a social network free of ads and algorithms.

Join us live this Saturday as we talk about why it was important for us to do more than just be around here.

We’ll be joined by @beardedtechguy and @CliffWade from @AllThingsTech, who will also talk about the Fediverse and why it matters to them.

🎧 Join the audio event here:

#live #audio #browser #SocialMedia #mastodon #fediverse #tech #Technology #vivaldi


A really interesting update on bots behaviour. I used to be able to spot bots on twitter. I can't spot them on Mastodon and maybe this 👇 is why.
I'll bear this in mind when I see suspicious answering patterns. The last thing I want to do is amplify bots on the Palestine issue ... er, No.

Hey everyone! I recently posted about my latest project, a universal fediverse sharing button:

Is this something that you'd find useful for your website or blog?

#WebDevelopment #WebDesign #UXUI #fediverse #SocialMedia

EDIT: Thanks everyone for sharing and trying this out! I fixed an issue on iOS some of you might have run into, just FYI.

  • Yes, already using it! (2%, 1 vote)
  • I'll give this a try (47%, 23 votes)
  • Tried it, didn't work (2%, 1 vote)
  • I don't like the design (0%, 0 votes)
  • Too hard to use (2%, 1 vote)
  • Not useful (2%, 1 vote)
  • I don't have a website (37%, 18 votes)
  • Something else? (6%, 3 votes)
48 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

Na gut, dies ist nun in Schweden aber wann wird es hier mal aufgeklärt, dass es auch in jeglichem Land Trollfabriken von den Rechten geben kann (oder gibt)?

»Politisches Erdbeben in Schweden wegen Skandal um Trollfabrik:
Enthüllungen über eine von den Schwedendemokraten betriebene Trollfabrik haben ein politisches Erdbeben ausgelöst.«


#srf #radio #schweden #politik #politisch #demokratie #trolls #trollfabrik #internet #socialmedia #propaganda #Enthüllung

Happy 16th anniversary, #fediverse!

#anniversary #FediverseAnniversary #OpenWeb #SocialMedia

Sixteen years ago tomorrow I published the first post on the fediverse.

It's still visible on today, although the URL format changed a few years ago, and the redirect plugin stopped working a few years after that.

Thanks to everyone who made a great place to be, and thanks to everyone who's expanded the fediverse since then.


"I quit all social media about three years ago because of the hostility, disinformation, brain rot, and advertising."

"They say they haven’t settled on a business model yet, but it could involve ads based on people’s declared interests."

Hm. Good luck!

#news #TechNews #maven #SocialMedia

"Republican Gov. Greg Abbott... pardoning Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant convicted in the fatal #shooting of a protester during a #BlackLivesMatter march...

After Perry’s conviction, unsealed court records revealed that he regularly shared #racist memes &threatening content in private messages & #SocialMedia posts, including descriptions of killing protesters & minorities."

#GregAbbott #GOP #Racism #Violence #Republicans #Politics #USPolitics #USA #News

Hat hier schon jemand die Brücke zwischen dem #Fediverse und #Bluesky ausprobiert?

#BridgyFed von (

Hat durchaus noch Probleme, aber prinzipiell funktioniert es und das ist natürlich richtig cool. Gibt schon Accounts da drüben, denen ich gerne von hier folgen würde. Meiner ist schon verbunden:

Hab drüben auch drauf verwiesen:

#SocialMedia #Mastodon #MastodonMigration

Woah, this is… big(?). “Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because it was becoming another Twitter”

He left #Twitter, then #BlueSky, and now endorsing #Nostr… but still not the #Fediverse.

#SNS #SocialMedia #ActivityPub #ATproto

Here's Jack's reply to the stir he's caused with his recent interview. Posted 10 minutes ago on Nostr.

Seems to be hanging out with Elon now...? Or at least just copying his mindset.🤦‍♂️

#JackDorsey #SocialMedia

Nice review of the evidence for banning phones in schools. This reviews huge studies across numerous countries. The big takeaway: there’s no effect on children’s outcomes. According to the latest evidence, cell phone bans don’t work.

#Psychology #SocialMedia #smartphones #phoneBans #childmentalhealth #mentalhealth

Former CEO of Twitter wanted to build a social protocol no-one can control, like SMTP or HTTP for social media. Bluesky’s ATProto was supposed to be an open source protocol that Twitter could eventually utilize, but then Musk happened and Bluesky started taking it to the wrong direction and everything fell apart in Dorsey’s mind.

A very revealing interview. I now see even more future in W3C’s ActivityPub.

#ActivityPub #JackDorsey #Bluesky #Twitter #X #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

Content warning: Interview with Jack Dorsey about the #birdsite, #Bluesky (yuk) and social media

It's misleading to use the word "restrict" when they're allowing AI to use the content in the first place....I smell Reddit inflitrating news sources....😳

From: @Techmeme

#Reddit #AI #SocialMedia


Bluesky: "Hard to sustain a company like this without ads in todays world"

Threads: "You could imagine an extension to the protocol eventually — [...] ‘hey, feel free to show me ads [...]"

Fediverse: "We're going to make a #Mastodon plushie and it's going to be very cute!"

#threads #bluesky #fediverse #SocialMedia #ads #FediverseSustainability

The fucking ignorance on Threads is fucking laughable.🤣🤣 This man just called me a "Fediverse Stan account"

Un-fucking-believable!🙄🙄🙄Everyone, point and laugh at the idiot!🤣

Edit: He blocked me!!!🤣🤣🤣

#Fedi #Fediverse #SocialMedia #Threads #Meta #Ignorance #Mastodon #ActivityPub