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Items tagged with: EU

"Ukraine could fire French long-range missiles into Russia "in the logics of self defence"
- Jean-Noël Barrot, Foreign Minister of France

"We will support Ukraine as intensely and as long as necessary. Why? Because it is our security that is at stake. Each time the Russian army progresses by one square kilometre, the threat gets one square kilometre closer to Europe," Jean-Noël Barrot said.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war

#EU har en ordentlig utmaning att se till att dom är det minsta trovärdiga om #Ungern inte följer #ICC order att gripa #Bibi . Vad ska EU göra då?
Alla EU-länder har skrivit under ICC:s stadgar och är bundna att följa dess regler.
Man förstår varför #SD ser Ungern som förebild.…

#Sverige #Hungary #Israel #Gaza

North Korea has sent Colonel General Kim Yong Bok to lead the DPRK's troops in Russia

This general is one of the 10 most important military figures in the DPRK and often acts as an aide to Kim Jong Un, according to the publication. Officials in Kyiv and Seoul have reportedly confirmed his presence in Russia.

It is said that Colonel General Kim is tasked with integrating North Korean troops with Russian troops
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO


The Chinese vessel Yi Peng 3, which is suspected of sabotage in the Baltic Sea, was detained by the Danish fleet, the captain is a Russian citizen.

As previously reported, it was allegedly able to cut 2 underwater telecommunication cables connecting Finland with Germany and Sweden with Lithuania.

It is known that the Chinese ship was sailing from the Russian port of Ust-Luga.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Breaking #BreakingNews


Exactly how many MAGA Trumpers are on Putin's payroll anyway!

Tucker Carlson said that Biden's permission for Kiev to strike ATACMS deep into Russia threatens the death of all Americans.

"The lame duck president just started a hot war with the most dangerous country in the world. We are all very close to being killed".
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war

Tucker Carlson feels at home in Russia

A Chinese vessel, which is suspected of damaging underwater communication cables of EU countries, was recently in the port of the Russian Federation.

We are talking about the bulk carrier Yi Peng, which could cut telecommunication cables connecting Finland with Germany and Sweden with Lithuania.

The bulk carrier is now trying to leave the Baltic Sea, while a Danish warship is following it.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #BreakingNews #Breaking…
⚠️🇷🇺Russian defectors, Putin critics suffer mysterious, violent deaths | 60 Minutes (CBS News VIDEO) #Ukraine #Mastodon #Spain #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

Russian Z-channels feel the heat of ATACMS deep inside Russian territory, and are calling for a response from Putin.

"ATACMS are a different level, a raise of the stakes. Our response must be commensurate with the threat. Up to and including the use of tactical nuclear weapons."
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO

Russian regions, including the Moscow region, were under drone attacks overnight.

The Russian Ministry of Defense claims it shot down 59 UAVs across various regions. What damage has been done is still to be determined.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war

Revolving doors go round and round, round and round, round and round…

#institutionalCorruption #lobbying #revolvingDoors #EU #BigTech #Meta…

Meta Lobbyist Turned EU Regulator Says Big Tech Rules Have Gone Too Far…
Aura Salla was once the tech giant’s top lobbyist in Brussels. Now, her presence as a regulator in the European Parliament is proving controversial.

Petition EU-Linux

Petition Nr. 0729/2024, eingereicht von N. W., österreichischer Staatsangehörigkeit, zur Einführung eines EU-Linux-Betriebssystems in den öffentlichen Verwaltungen aller EU-Mitgliedstaaten.

#EU #Petition #EU_Linux #/e/OS #Linux

#EUpol #USpol #SocialMedia #Regulation

Social Media propaganda, in particular on #X, #Facebook, and #Instagram can probably have cost #KamalaHartis2024 the #US presidency!*

👉The #EU urgently needs to pull the plug on #ElonMusk's private right-wing #PropagandaChannel #X, formerly #Twitter, before rightwing #FakeNews narratives destroy #European democracies in the same way it happened in the #USA.

This must be done before Jan 20



Republican dominance of new media is the number-one reason Kamala Harris lost in 2024. Her message was drowned out by propaganda and she failed to understand how gaslit Americans were.

Here are a few graphics to keep handy next time you want to explain this to someone.

#EU-Parlament stimmt für Verschiebung von #Waldschutzgesetz, #CDU und #AfD bilden Mehrheit zur Verschiebung.…

>> Eigentlich sollen für Produkte wie Kakao und Holz bald strengere Regeln zum Schutz von Wäldern gelten. Doch die Kritik daran war groß, das Vorhaben soll laut EU-Parlament nun geändert werden. Der CDU-Vorschlag erhielt eine Mehrheit - mit den Stimmen der AfD.

#Legal #Meta #Instagram #Facebook

That's the way to go,

Via @dw

*EU fines Meta €797 million over antitrust breaches*

"The EU Commission fined...Meta for practices favoring Facebook Marketplace that it said violated #EU #CompetitionLaw..."

"The 👉firm said that it would comply with the decision in the meantime and would work quickly and constructively to launch a solution that addresses the points raised."👈

👉Now do #X aka #Twitter, b4 it's too late!👈

#News EU fines Meta €797 million over antitrust breaches

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈

Chefkontrolleur von #Airbus im Interview


...*nicht* nuklear zu bestücken."👈

Ganzes Interview:…

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈

Chefkontrolleur von #Airbus im Interview


...👉Uns [Europäern] stehen in #Kaliningrad, quasi vor unserer Haustür und schnellstens einsetzbar, 500 taktische #Nuklearwaffen auf #Iskander Mittelstreckenraketen gegenüber👈, auf die #Russland auch immer wieder öffentlich hinweist. Die geplante #Stationierung amerikanischer #Tomahawk-Raketen ist sehr wichtig, aber die sind nach meiner Kenntnis...

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈


...weshalb der Kremlchef auch immer wieder mit (lokalen) atomaren Erstschlägen droht.

"Die #Nato-Mitglieder 👉#Frankreich und #Großbritannien haben eine gewisse Zahl nuklearer Waffen.👈 Wir sind mit der sogenannten nuklearen Teilhabe in die US-Fähigkeiten hierzulande eingebunden. 👉Global gesehen sind #Russland und #Nato nuklear auf Augenhöhe.👈 Aber hier muss man konkreter hinsehen...

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈


...Kern-#Europa sein, in dem man eng zusammenarbeitet für mehr Souveränität, militärisch und technologisch. 👉Europa muss #Russland|s Aggression abschreckend begegnen können. Das schließt die #NukleareAbschreckung mit ein."👈

Hier besteht seit längerem 👉eine schwerwiegende technologische Lücke, die die Europäer in #Putins Augen schwach aussehen lässt👈, die Abschreckung funktioniert nicht mehr ...

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈


...und Paris in der Pflicht, die europäische Souveränität zu stärken. Der Wahlsieg von Donald Trump könne eine Chance für ein Kern-Europa sein."👈

"„Ich frage mich seit geraumer Zeit, 👉warum sich #Deutschland und #Frankreich nicht täglich beraten und das große Thema ‚Schutz vor #Russland‘ und ‚#Ukrainehilfe‘ mit ganzer Kraft zusammen bearbeiten“,👈..."

"Ein weiterer Gedanke war: Die Wahl kann eine Chance für ein...

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈


...werden auch die Mahner in der europäischen Industrie lauter (naturgemäß nicht uneigennützig):

#Airbus-Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender #RenéObermann fordert ein Umdenken und eine Reaktivierung der Achse Berlin-Paris als traditionellem Motor der #EuropäischenUnion.

Von #JensKoenen, #Handelsblatt:

"„Bisher war ein bisschen Krise, jetzt ist richtig Krise“
Der Airbus-Chefkontrolleur sieht 👉Berlin...

👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈


...durch den Faschisten und #Autokratenfreund #Trump hat die lange überhörten Alarmglocken in den Hauptstädten West- und Mitteleuropas endlich auch schrillen lassen.
Die baltischen Staaten waren hier lange Rufer in der Wüste. Abgesehen von den nordischen Staaten hat meines Wissens bislang nur #Polen (knapp unter 6% des BSP) entsprechend der immer akuter werdenden Bedrohungslage reagiert.


👉*#AtomareAbschreckung in #EU unzureichend geworden*👈

Chefkontrolleur von #Airbus im Interview


Mit einem Punkt hatte #Trump bei seiner letzten Amtszeit recht: der jahrzehntelange #Dornröschenschlaf der #EuropäischenUnion in Punkto #Verteidigungspolitik muss sofort beendet werden.

Nicht nur der erneute Einfall der Truppen des #Kreml-Regimes in der #Ukraine in 2021, sondern auch die #Machtübernahme...…

@Handelsblatt @schlagzeilen-Handelsblatt

If anyone feels the need to switch from US services I can recommend two sites: (@european_alternatives) and (at @alternativeto you can easily find FOSS / self-hosted services).

UPDATE: @switchingsoftware also lists good alternatives for common services.

Also, while you are switching anyway, take a look at @privacyguides to find privacy friendly alternatives

#alternative #services #eu #europe

App Store, Apple Arcade, Music, iTunes Store, Books and Podcasts.

Following a coordinated investigation at the European level, we are calling on Apple to stop geo-blocking practices on Apple Media Services.

Their limitations unlawfully discriminate against European consumers based on their residence, including online access, payment methods and downloading.

Apple has one month to reply to the CPC Network’s findings and propose commitments on addressing them.




US-based Malwarebytes acquires Swedish AzireVPN.…

FFS, EU companies, can you please, for the love of fuck, stop selling out to US corporations? We just lost a reputable EU-based VPN to the US right as Trump is about to take office.

Congratulations. Take fucking bow.

#AzireVPN #EU #US #VPN

#Trump har tidigare förespråkat åtgärder för att bryta upp de stora tech-företagens makt. Nu, med hans partnerskap med #Musk, är det annat ljud i skällan. Nu ska de amerikanska bolagen skyddas från konkurrensen från #Kina och kampen mot #EU s #DigitalMarketsAct, #DigitalServicesAct och #AIAct kommer av allt att döma att hårdna.

In February 2022, as #Russia invaded #Ukraine, hundreds of Western companies pledged to exit the Russian market in protest. Yet three years later, as the war continues, the #Kyiv School of Economics reports that of the 4,000 international companies operating in Russia before the invasion, only 440 – a mere 10% – have fully withdrawn.…



Ukranian sources report that there are currently more than 50 Shahed drones over Ukrainian territory and more are coming in.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews

"Why were they banned in the first place...this move is years past due!"
- Aure

The Biden administration has lifted the ban on deploying American contractors in Ukraine, allowing them to directly assist in the maintenance of U.S.-provided weapons, such as F-16s and Patriot systems.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews

“They were violent… violent as fuck.”

Turns out folks who commit genocide are violent. If only we had had some forewarning about this and not allowed them to enter the Netherlands.

#israel #palestine #gaza #settlerColonialism #ethnicCleansing #apatheid #zionism #netherlands #amsterdam #EU #BDS #football #soccer #UEFA…

If you haven't noticed the media is pretty shit on this story so I'm going to repost some locals and press outlets who are getting this story right.


#amsterdam #Zionist #MartyDoesNotPlay

Elon Musk joined the conversation between President Zelensky and Donald Trump on November 6

Zelensky "was somewhat reassured" by what he heard from the newly elected US president, but Trump emphasized that he will not leave the country, but wants to give diplomacy a chance. Musk said that he will continue to help Ukraine through his Starlink satellites.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war

Om det är något förslag i EU som ni borde stödja, är det förslaget om att införa ett eget Linux-baserat operativsystem för EU.

Petition No 0729/2024 by N. W. (Austrian) on the implementation of an EU-Linux operating system in public administrations across all EU countries…

#EU #Linux #ÖppenKällkod