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Items tagged with: Nature

People that wanna talk to others ABOUT Mastodon need to find a different way besides the Mastodon tag.

It's completely useless now since everyone and their moms post about anything they want there and don't care about the tags they use.

Here, let me use a bunch of tags, just so people see this post and see how y'all like it.

#Mastodon #Fedi #Fediverse #Photography #Cars #Music #Art #Birds #Nature #Boats #Fishing #ActivityPub #Sports

Sydney Solis interviews Japan specialist Steve McCarty during her most recent sojourn in #Japan. He summarizes a #legend of a #woman #diver and explains its ancient #history, wholly based on original source research in #Japanese. Then both authors interpret its rich #symbolism in terms of depth #psychology. Among their conclusions is that #archetypes in the story, such as the #divine #feminine, activated by the natural #symbolism of #diving into the depths, could help #heal our modern alienation of the #mind from the #body and #nature.

Solis, S., & McCarty, S. (2024, May 30). Healing symbolism in the Japanese legend of the woman diver. Sydney in Osaka: Living the Mindful Life in Japan.
Academic content only:
Academic content plus photos and more commentary by Ms. Solis:

#healing #wholeness #folklore #mythology #women #divers #Jung

@mythology @psychology

Foggy Black Forest.

Today the Black Forest really lived up to its name, it was dark, foggy and cold, it certainly didn’t feel like end of May!

#blackandwhite #nature #photography #bnw #art #landscapes

„Should I Stay Or Should I Go?“

Junger Waldkauz vor dem Sprung ins Leben

#birds #vogel #natur #nature

Got this shot while fishing this morning. I'm really happy with it. Not bad for a quick phone shot.

#nature #outdoors #geese #fishing #pixel6pro #pixel #Pennsylvania

One of the best parts of springtime is seeing the newest babies! This is a little baby painted turtle. It is hard to judge the scale in the photo but he is only about the size of the top of my thumb.

#nature #ontario

I don’t recall seeing Chicken mushrooms this high up. And if you zoom in, LOTS of bugs.

#nature #MushroomMonday #fungi #pilze

Some lichen finds, plus (what I think might be) a slime mould

* Various crustose species on the back of a gravestone
* Slime mould (?) that appeared within a few minutes of wetting this old gate beam
* Patterns on lichen on an old wooden seat
* A cladonia species growing amongst moss on an old wooden fence

#LichenSubscribe #Lichen #SlimeMold #MacroPhotography #Macro #Nature #NaturePhotography



“Untitled“ by Dorian Pellumbi

Governments need to build resilience against extreme weather, droughts, and floods.

Intact forest landscapes and other nature areas are our safety net, protecting people against extreme weather and climate crisis impacts.

#ActOnClimate #ClimateChange #geography #deforestation #RenewableEnergy #ActNow #environment #ClimateCrisis #Science #warming #Nature #climate #ClimateEmergency #climatecrisis #biologia #ClimateAction #photo #photography #cartoon #pollution #news #earth #amazon #Politics

Some People Really Are Mosquito Magnets, and They're Stuck That Way

> Certain compounds in our skin determine how much we attract mosquitoes, new research suggests—and those compounds don’t change much over time

#science #hiking #paddling #camping #bugs #nature

The blue tits have all fledged! Good luck little beaks.
#Nature #Birds

Persistent Saturnian Auroras
Credits: J. Clarke, Boston U., Z. Levay, STScI, ESA, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography

Ever since starting my journey as a watercolor painter a year and a half ago, I have taken my camera out a lot less.

A few mornings ago, I caught dewdrops on my tomato plants, so I decided to spend some time taking photos of those beauties.

#photography #macrophotography #naturephotography #nature


Saw these bright orange weird things on an old birch. When I examined closer I saw tiny chambers, their openings no larger than a toothpick point.

Super tiny flying stingy things?!


Ok, have to be galls. When all else fails, go with galls.


Two days later I smartened up. What’s even more weird and freaky than galls?

Slime Molds! This is the most bizarro slime mold I’ve ever found.

Multi Goblet Slime [Metatrichia vesparia]

#myxogastria #SlimeMold #nature