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Items tagged with: SocialMedia

What’s currently your favorite microblogging site besides #Mastodon? 🐘

#socialmedia #twitter #bluesky #threads #meta #fetiverse

  • Xwitter (0%, 0 votes)
  • Bluesky (28%, 2 votes)
  • Threads (28%, 2 votes)
  • Other (42%, 3 votes)
7 voters. Poll end: in 23 hours

The great #MastodonMigration after the #TwitterTakeover was accompanied by many helpful tools to find followers worth following.

With #Threads federating (partially) and #Bluesky bridged, I think we need new ones now. Are there any?

#Mastodon #Fediverse #BridgyFed #SocialMedia

I posted this cartoon last week for the European elections (with the EU logo on the stone), but this was actually the initial cartoon idea I had, which works just as well I think...

#socialmedia #extremeright #trolls

Howdy everyone! Any resources on social media interactions quality? Is it possible to measure how healthy (rewarding?) interactions are?

#socialmedia #mentalhealth #socialization #friendship #wellbeing

Do you hide the number of followers on your profile?

#fediverse #poll #SocialMedia #followers

  • Yes! (100%, 1 vote)
  • No, it's useful (0%, 0 votes)
  • No, I like to show off (0%, 0 votes)
  • No, begrudgingly (0%, 0 votes)
  • No, but considering it (0%, 0 votes)
  • I don't have this option, but I would use it (0%, 0 votes)
  • I don't have this option, but I would not use it (0%, 0 votes)
  • My platform doesn't show them (0%, 0 votes)
  • Something else? (0%, 0 votes)
1 voter. Poll end: 4 hours ago

Decentralized Social Media Tip:

If you're a Fediverse user that dabbles in Nostr as well, there's a few Fedi-Nostr bridges you can use. The most popular ones are and

Also, if you have a lightning wallet, you can link it in your bio with the tag ⚡️ and when your Fedi posts are seen on Nostr through the previously mentioned bridges, they can be zapped! Adding an easy way for you to get paid small amounts for your posts!

Social Media as we know it is changing before our eyes!🙌🙌🙌

#Nostr #Fediverse #SocialMedia #Decentralization #Tips

Mastodon users: Follow to allow #Bluesky users to find and follow you.

Bluesky users: Follow to allow #Mastodon users to find and follow you.

#SocialMedia #Interoperability

moderation isn't done on the PDS level, is it? I thought it was done seperately by moderation policies that each user can subscribe to?🤔 I'll tag this post and maybe we can get some answers.

#BlueSky #SocialMedia

🥥 Mastodon engagement tip #2:
TIL, accidentally, that posting a toot about Capybaras will get you massive -- within reason -- interaction on the Fediverse.
A survey with an admittedly small sample indicates that Capybaras are the decentralized version of eyeball cocaine that dogs and cats are on corporate social media. 🥥
#SocialMedia, #Engagement, #Mastodon, #Capybaras, #TuckersBalls

🥥 Corollary of Mastodon Engagement Tip #2:
If you're creating a Fediverse app or instance, consider making its mascot/emblem a Capybara to ensure success. 🥥
#Mastodon, #Mascots, #Capybaras, #Engagement, #SocialMedia, #Embkems, #TuckersBalls

Since we all have to listen to the constant bitching about AI and the enshittificaton of search engines, I don't want to see one more person being castigated for asking a question on social media that could have been answered with a cursory search.

That was shitty, asshole behavior to begin with and now it can't even be justified by being technically correct.

#AI #Enshittification #SocialMedia #Google

I wish the term 'Ad-verse' had taken off when referring to corporate owned #SocialMedia sites.

It's such a catchy and fairly accurate term. I first came across this term from some guy on the #Fediverse when I was on, but it never really took off.

But it's a nice easy way to say:

Those shitbag, manipulative, corporate-owned, consumed with corporate greed, advert-ridden, hell sites, owned by those corporate billionaire wannabe celebrity bellends everyone hates.


Why did I leave Big Tech?

The crazy US Democrat/Republican ideological civil war, COVID conspiracies, biased news, lack of privacy, advertising algorithms, and general nastiness from people caught up in all of it on Facebook led me to seek a change. Facebook royally sucks!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #BigTech #SocialMedia

Die „#SocialMedia“-Präsenz der #Hochschulen entpuppt sich als ein weiterer Fall einer ausbeuterischen #Internetökonomie, in der durch das Abschöpfen der kreativen Leistung von vielen nur einige wenige profitieren. #Fediverse #Digitalität

While the success criteria for a social platform depends on its users being addicted to it, the #fediverse will always look like a "failure".


Faced with the challenge of how to respond to the increasing enshittification of the web, @crumbler laughs and says: “We need to finish building the Fediverse.”

“Hell yeah” responds @evan

What does that mean in practice ? Here’s my top ten unfinished building blocks. Build all these out and the Fediverse will be transformed. Feel free to add more!


I wish more people would look into starting their own Fediverse instance.

Having even a few HUGE instances is bad for decentralization.

Fedi is starting to become a place where you can be "silenced" pretty easily if you don't "be a good boy/girl" and go against the grain.

If you host your own instance, nobody can really silence you in that way.

I'm fairly "boring" in the fact that I don't typically talk about politics and such, but I still feel a massive sense of freedom with hosting my instance.

For folks that aren't knowledgeable in Linux, there's sites like and that offer "managed" hosting for a bit of an upcharge. But if you're able to get the very basics of Linux down, running a Mastodon instance is fairly straightforward and requires fairly low maintenance if it's just 1 user.

Decentralization is our super power. Don't let it be lost because of the few big companies like Mastodon Gmbh or Meta!

#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #ActivityPub #Decentralization #SocialMedia

First #Meta only allowed top users (like @whitehouse) to show up in the #Fediverse.

Now any public #Threads account (from #USA / #Canada / #Japan ?) can decide to show up / post in the Fediverse.

But can #Fedi users show up / #post to threads??? 🤔

Doesn't seem very fair & "fediverse-#filosophy ;)" to me :pixelfed: :mastodon:

"You're now sharing TO the fediverse."
Doesn't sharing go both ways? 🤝

#socialmedia #social #ActivityPub #pixelfed #mastodon #tech #philosophy

"“This is a rigged deal, just as the 2020 election was rigged, and we can’t let them get away with it,” Trump said on Nov. 18, 2022, THREE DAYS after announcing his 2024 candidacy...

documented more than 500 campaign events, #SocialMedia posts and interviews during the 2024 cycle in which #Trump falsely accused #Democrats or others of trying to “rig,” “cheat,” “steal” or otherwise “influence” the next #election — or of having done so in 2020."

#Politics #USA #News

„Das sind so Momente, wo ich mich so schäme, so ´ne deutsche Kartoffel zu sein“ #Meinungsfreiheit #Diffamierung #Gesellschaft #SocialMedia #Gastbeitrag #Demokratie #Propaganda #Neu

Ich hab da mal was zur #Brücke zwischen #Bluesky und #Mastodon geschrieben. Was sollte man da einmal im Blick behalten?

Das #Fediverse wächst: Nach #Threads auch Bluesky mit Mastodon verknüpfbar

Erste Threads-Accounts können für Mastodon geöffnet werden, nun geht das – sogar in beide Richtungen – auch mit Bluesky. Das ermöglicht interessante Szenarien.


Max Bergmann, a former State Department official and now program director with the Center for Strategic International Studies, predicts Russian-fueled turbulence at the Democratic national convention in August. He foresees attempts of Russian operatives to infiltrate groups of protestors and attempt to turn protests violent.

He also notes that social media has “become way more of a cesspool than it was in 2016.”

#Democrats #Russia #violence #SocialMedia

Filtered word: nsfw

Politics drives knowledge sharing across the Fediverse, Bluesky & Threads.

The team at The Newsmast Foundation are excited to share new, original research on the social web, communities, and how we all fit together!

There’s a summary below 👇 or read the full report here:

#fediverse #socialmedia #threads #bluesky #socialweb #tech

TikTok users worry about losing their social media platform, but First Amendment rights are on the line, too. There's a good argument for free speech protection of TikTok and its owners in this case, writes 2 law professors.
Imagine if the government told Jeff Bezos that he had to sell The Washington Post because it was worried that he might push a particular agenda.
Courts have long ruled that that sort of worry about future problems is unconstitutional:

Created this after reading conversation in comments below some tech article somewhere. Someone mentioned "surfing the #internet sewer" and I really liked that phrase.

#drawing #comic #krita #web #surveillance #google #SocialMedia #enshittification #privacy #adblocker #ads

So, @verge and @404mediaco want to federate their site. The articles would then be accessible directly in the #Fediverse, e.g. in a #Mastodon-Feed.

But why? I'd really like to collect arguments for this. What would the advantages for, say @heiseonline be? Please share and comment!

Why publishers are preparing to federate their sites - Digiday

#SocialMedia #Federation #News

Facebook just took down roughly 100 pages and profiles for violating the site's rules that prohibit “militarized social movement,” including militia groups that take personal responsibility for defending their communities from a variety of perceived threats.

These 100 pages are just a tiny fraction of the thousands of militia groups Facebook has previously kicked off the site, supposedly permanently.
#USPolitics #extremism #socialmedia