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Items tagged with: NEWS

In an Unprecedented Move, #Ohio Is Funding the Construction of Private Religious Schools

The state is giving millions in taxpayer dollars directly to private schools to help them renovate and expand their campuses. It may be the next frontier in the push to increase the use of school vouchers, proponents say.

#News #PrivateSchools #Education #Schools #SchoolVouchers #Students #Funding

#Facebook owner bans Russian state #media networks


Facebook owner Meta says it is banning several Russian state media networks, alleging they use deceptive tactics to conduct influence operations and avoid detection on its platforms.

#russia #news #censorship #politics #freespeech

.... Russia is struggling to generate trained manpower. Ukraine is struggling to generate any manpower—and is also desperately short of modern armored vehicles. Just four of 14 new brigades the Ukrainian armed forces are standing up have enough modern vehicles
- President Zelensky
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO

Key Republicans' shrinking leads could give Democrats new path to Senate majority

Polls in Florida and Texas are getting tighter...

While most analyses have identified Montana as the most likely tipping point state for control of the Senate in 2024, there are races in Texas, Florida and potentially Nebraska that appear about as competitive as Montana and could give Democrats a path to the majority.

#News #Politics #Democracy #Democrats


The Iranians are hysterical:

the Fars agency writes that the hospitals in Lebanon are full of Mossad agents who are trying to locate senior Hezbollah officials injured by the exploding pagers and eliminate them.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #BreakingNews #Breaking

Details about "pits" for misbehaving Russian soldiers:

A Russian mobilised serviceman describes in detail the practice of so-called "correctional pits" in the glorious Russian army. These pits come in several forms, ranging from the open, "wet pit," which offers no protection from the elements and is used for prisoners without money, to the "phone booth" pits, where wealthier detainees can even access the Internet.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin

According to Reuters, Hezbollah began using the pager devices that exploded only a few months ago...did these devices arrive in Lebanon already "treated" and ready for the moment of the explosion...time will tell
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas


Sources for the Saudi Al-Hadath channel: Senior Hezbollah officials were also injured. The son of Ali Ammar, a Hezbollah member of parliament, was killed
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #BreakingNews #Breaking #Iran #Lebanon #hezbollah

“Gender and development are intricately intertwined, a fact often overlooked. Recognizing this connection is crucial for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth.”

Aid successfully narrowed gender gaps in nearly every country researchers examined:
#news #womensrights


Iran's ambassador to Lebanon was seriously injured during the pager hacking attack in Lebanon!!!

Mojtaba Amani had a Hezbollah pager???
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #BreakingNews #Breaking #Iran #Lebanon


Chaos in Lebanon’s hospitals as up to 3,000 Hezbollah members had their pagers explode in their pocket.

200+ are in serious condition.

Reports of 40+ fatalities due to the explosions.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #BreakingNews #Breaking #Lebanon #hezbollah #Iran

Billionaire #LarryEllison says a vast #AI -fueled #surveillance #system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'


"We're going to have supervision," Ellison said. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that #problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."

To learn from China means learn to win 🤔

#future #orwell #bigbrother #news #security #cctv #police #news #camera #technology #society #china

Maddow: 'We were supposed to get better at not having our chains yanked' by Trump

“It’s made-to-order-outrage, and the press was supposed to learn something about dealing with this in 2016, 2015?

What we were supposed to learn is that ...It keeps the discussion on things he’s framing rather than what the election might otherwise be about... Recognize what they are doing is a tactic... They are doing it to change the subject.”

#News #Politics #Democrats #Trump

#TikTok was in court today to overturn a U.S. law that would force the video app to divorce from its China-based parent company or be banned.

It’s the latest development in a lengthy saga over the app that many politicians in Washington fear is a security risk.

But why is TikTok controversial?

Here’s a quick rundown of reads from #cybersecurity, #socialmedia and legal experts:
#news #technology

❗️Putin has increased the size of the Russian army by 180,000 people.

He has again signed a decree increasing the Armed Forces to 2.389 million people, among them 1.5 million servicemen.

He previously increased the size of the army last December. Then, it rose to 2.21 million people and 1.32 million servicemen.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO

China frees US pastor David Lin who was jailed for life in 2006 #breakingnews #news

Jodie Foster Wins Emmy for ‘True Detective: Night Country’ and Thanks Inuit People of Alaska: ‘They Allowed Us to Listen’
#Variety #Awards #News #Emmys

Vereinigte Staaten - „Tradwives“ – junge Frauen wieder an Heim und Herd Von Gleichberechtigung enttäuscht und vom rauen Arbeitsleben entnervt entdecken immer mehr Frauen ein altes Familienmodell wieder neu #news #press

WWII Baltic Offensive: How Soviet Red Army Dealt a Stinging Blow to Third Reich Eighty years ago, Soviet forces commenced what became known as the Baltic Offensive – a strategic operation whose goal was to drive the Nazi German invaders from the three Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – which were at the time part of the Soviet Union. #news #press

Britischer Ex-Premier drängt Olaf Scholz zur Taurus-Freigabe Da ist sie wieder, die Debatte um die Lieferung deutscher Taurus-Raketen an die Ukraine, obwohl Bundeskanzler Scholz gerade erst wiederholt hat, dies käme nicht infrage. Und obwohl Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin eindeutig erklärt hat, welche Folgen ein Einsatz derartiger Raketen hätte. #news #press

Trumps "Ukraine-Plan" gefällt wegen Angemessenheit Donald Trumps Versprechen, den Krieg in der Ukraine zu beenden, ist zu einem US-Wahlkampfslogan geworden, und sein Berater J. D. Vance hat wichtige Details aus Trumps "Plan" enthüllt. Es ist der angemessenste Vorschlag, den der Westen je für den Konflikt vorgelegt hat. #news #press

Over 75% of French People Support Reinstatement of Border Controls - Survey MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - More than 75% of French people support the reestablishment of border controls in France, according to a survey conducted by the CSA polling company for the Europe 1 radio station, the CNews broadcaster and Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper. #news #press

Erneut Schüsse: Donald Trump in Sicherheit Aufregung im US-Bundesstaat Florida! In der Nähe von Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump wurden Schüsse abgefeuert. Der 78-Jährige ist unverletzt. #news #press

Schüsse „in der Nähe“ von Donald Trumps Golfclub – Ehemaliger US-Präsident in Sicherheit In der Nähe von Donald Trumps Golfressort im US-Bundesstaat Florida sollen Schüsse gefallen sein. Das teilte Trumps Wahlkampfteam am Sonntagabend ...
The post Schüsse „in der Nähe“ von Donald Trumps Golfclub – Ehemaliger US-Präsident in Sicherheit appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Israelische Armee räumt Verantwortung für den Tod von Geiseln in Gaza im November 2023 ein Der Tod von drei israelischen Geiseln, deren Leichen im Dezember 2023 in einem Tunnel der Hamas entdeckt worden waren, wurde von der israelischen Presse bereits der IDF angelastet. Nach zwischenzeitlichem Leugnen musste die israelische Armee nun einräumen, wohl tatsächlich verantwortlich zu sein. #news #press

How Rothschild Banking Clan Uses Its Vast Wealth to Influence World Events and Control Governments How powerful is the Rothschild banking family? How did they amass their fortune? Just how rich are they? Do they secretly control the world? Sputnik explores. #news #press MAGA Fans Are Furious Over Trump’s ‘I Hate Taylor Swift!’ Post: ‘It makes him look like he’s 13’ #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews

Ein unschuldiger Satz Putins löst Erdbeben im Westen aus Die russischen Lieferungen von Uran, Nickel und Titan in den Westen könnten demnächst eingeschränkt werden. Das kündigte Präsident Wladimir Putin an. Den Experten zufolge könnte die Entscheidung dem westlichen Markt einen heftigen Streich versetzen. #news #press

Kenianische Fachkräfte müssen Busfahrer-Ausbildung in Deutschland nochmal von vorne machen Im Rahmen des Migrationsabkommens kamen die ersten Kenianer in den vergangenen Tagen als Fachkräfte in Deutschland an. Die ersten von ...
The post Kenianische Fachkräfte müssen Busfahrer-Ausbildung in Deutschland nochmal von vorne machen appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

Rakete aus Jemen schlägt in Israel ein – Huthi sprechen von Hyperschallrakete Mitten in Israel ist am Sonntagmorgen eine Rakete eingeschlagen ‒ zumindest sind nach Angaben des israelischen Militärs zahlreiche Trümmer einer Rakete vom Himmel gefallen. Die jemenitischen Huthi reklamierten den Angriff für sich und sprachen von einer "neuartigen Hyperschallrakete". #news #press

Niederösterreich zu Katastrophengebiet erklärt Nicht nur in Österreich, sondern auch in Polen, Tschechien und Rumänien ist es nach starkem Regen zu Überschwemmungen gekommen. Erste Todesfälle wurden gemeldet. #news #press

IDF Admits Potential Guilt in Killing 3 Israeli Hostages In Gaza Strip in November 2023 TEL AVIV, (Sputnik) - The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Sunday it finalized the probe into the circumstances of killing three hostages in the Gaza Strip in November 2023, adding they most probably had died due to an Israeli air strike. #news #press

Trump ‘safe’ after gunshots reported in his vicinity at golf course, campaign says #breakingnews #news